The Mental Mom

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Be Your Own Energy Generator

Let's explore unlocking your natural energy. As a devoted integrative health coach, I've selected my top prioritizing steps to guide you on this empowering path. Life's challenges may be demanding, but with these strategies, you'll not only navigate them with grace, but thrive along the way.

Nourish Your Body

Begin by fueling your body with the right nutrients. Imagine a vibrant plate filled with a rainbow of vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Hydration is key—consider it the fuel your high-performance car needs. As you embrace this step, you'll find increased vitality, mental clarity, and a newfound appreciation for the connection between what you eat and how you feel. Food doesn’t just give you a physical rush of energy. It fuels your mind with a fresh and clear outlook.

Align With Your Purpose

Discover your life's purpose, like finding the missing piece of a puzzle. Take a moment to reflect on what truly makes your heart sing. Engaging in activities that resonate with your purpose taps into a wellspring of energy. Your purpose is your North Star, guiding you towards a more energized and fulfilling life. Discovering what you are passionate about, what your are so darn good at, and aligning those to put your heart in it…that will cause adrenaline to rush through your bones, and wake up any part of you that has been hitting that snooze button!

Manage Stress

Create pockets of tranquility in your day, turning chaos into calm. Incorporate practices like deep breathing and meditation, envisioning a serene lake undisturbed by ripples. Stress is inevitable, but how you respond to it is within your control. As you embrace stress management, imagine creating small moments of peace that accumulate into sustained energy and resilience. Imagine taking 3 deep breaths when your kids start fighting again in the car, and instead of losing your cool, using all your energy to scream at them, and feel every ounce of your body and mind drain instantly-you calmly drive into the driveway, get out of the car, and go on with your day without hitting that soul draining sensation. Yes…that actually works! I take 3 deep breaths A LOT!!!! Or even setting the right tone for the day, and begin your day with a positive affirmation meditation!

Sleep It Off

Establish a bedtime routine—a ritual that signals your body it's time to wind down. Picture a night's sleep as a reset button, revitalizing your body and mind. Quality sleep is the secret sauce to sustained energy, helping you wake up refreshed and ready to conquer the day. It is a bit worrisome that so many individuals still believe 4 hours of sleep is perfectly fine…they have been living off of 4 hours sleep for forever, and they feel “fine”. However, they guzzle caffeine all day, they usually have a very slow metabolism, and their energy tends to teeter in the early afternoon, causing another hit of caffeine to be administered. For women especially, 8 hours is ideal. Those of us that battle some rough autoimmune conditions-it’s not uncommon to need 9-10 hours each night. Your body needs to reset and reconvene all those hard working cells to full operating mode while you sleep. So, if you are only sleeping 4 hours at night, your body is never going to get a fully recovery! Batteries always need to be recharged, or replaced, there is no such thing as a real energizer bunny…logically it can never keep going, and going, and going. It will slow down, and eventually stop functioning.

Celebrate Movement

Turn your body into the star on a dance floor. Exercise is a celebration of what your body can achieve. Find activities that bring you joy, envisioning a living room transformed into a dance studio. Movement is not just about physical fitness; it's a potent energy booster that leaves you feeling invigorated and alive. There are amazing things that happen in your body when you move it. Whether you move it structurally (like a laid out work out), or freely (like a free flow dance session or even a paced walk), your body chemistry comes to life like the glistening lights of the Aurora Borealis. Hormones and cells light up and move like a well choreographed dance, leaving you in a euphoric and energy heightened mood. And, best of all, you don’t even need to pay for that kind of amazing high…you can do that right in your own home!

Manage Diagnosis Effectively

Navigate your health journey with regular check-ups, open communication with healthcare providers, and adherence to treatment plans. Imagine a roadmap guiding you through the complexities of diagnosis management. Seeking support when needed ensures you're equipped to manage any health challenges, contributing to your overall well-being. Listening and learning to not just your doctors, but also discovering books, podcasts, and other resources that will guide you in understanding your diagnosis. Deep education of a diagnosis will help the healing process, and give you a deeper understanding of the cause of your diagnosis in the first place.

Let’s take all 6 of these steps, and let them sink in. You will find that each of these steps are accessible for everyone to include in our daily habits. Choose one step that resonates with you the most and commit to incorporating it into your daily life. Whether it's nourishing your body, aligning with your purpose, managing stress, prioritizing sleep, celebrating movement, or effectively managing your health—this is your journey. Your well-being is a priority, and by taking this personal action, you're investing in your energy and vitality. Embrace the transformative power within each step, and watch as your natural energy unfolds. You deserve every bit of it!

If you want to explore each step more or if one feels especially meaningful to you, visit my Protocols page. Discover my 6 carefully crafted plans for moms. I've been through it all - feeling tired, stressed, and isolated. No mom should feel that way. I'm here to help you on this journey.