The Mental Mom

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Mom’s Expiration Date

It’s me! I’m back! It’s no secret, I have been taking some time off to refocus, realign, dig in to research (and my top priority for quite some time) immersing myself in being “Mom”. A title I hold very proudly. This is the biggest pull that has taken me on this journey through the Health and Wellness field. I love being a Mom that doesn’t apologize for going mental sometimes (okay, like all the time)! But, that just means that I am passionate about my health, my families health, and your health! I am so excited to be back in this community, and bringing you all a fresh new foundation of my work. For those that are new to my Blog, let me introduce myself:

I am first a foremost, a woman that has built a strong foundation of my own personal Health; a wife to an always brewing, creative entrepreneur and high endurance athlete; and a Mom to three highly active and always on the go preteens and teen. You could say I am pretty busy! It was THIS “busy” and daily chaos that finally caught up with me about three years after having my youngest. I know lots of Moms out there have experienced “the brick wall” that I am about to introduce you to. Ya know, the one that you smack into at a slow, but intense speed. (I know even that sounds unbalanced…which it is exactly what it feels like!) We are moving along at a dull pace day in and day out, until one day, this brick wall appears, almost out of nowhere, and we don’t slow down. We smack right into that sucker! Sound familiar? Of course, I’m talking about a metaphorical wall, but most of us have hit our own wall, a majority of them being health complications. And, sadly the statistics of diagnosis of illnesses and diseases in Mom’s has been climbing at a steady pace every year. Yes, we have been advances in testing for earlier detection, but that is not the main reason behind the climb of sick Mom’s.

During my time off I was able to read many research papers, books, and take more courses all based around alternative health care, more specifically based on Mom health. The amount of information I have been gathering for almost an entire decade has truly given me a deeper understanding of how my body, mind, and spirit function, and how it has changed and evolved since I had my kids. Some information is extremely difficult to break down, or find for that matter! That is why I am bringing all that information I have found to my Blogs. I want Mom’s to understand their bodies, how to see the signs when something is off, and how and where to find the right kind of help. Deep diving into medical research (especially new research and studies) takes a ton of time! We all know Mom’s have very little of that! So, my break down throughout my Blogs, will be extremely self actionable. Every Mom can apply practically all of the tips and inspirations I will be sharing every week. I may even entertain you once in a while (we all need a laugh from time to time)!

Expiration Dates Are For Packaged Products

The grocery store is jam packed with packaged products with expiration dates. We all know this! The expiration date tells us when to toss out that product; it’s past its prime; it has no validity anymore; it’s basically a dead product in a box. Now, my question to my Mom’s out there is this: Is our health and wellness (as Mom’s) a product that has an end date when we are no longer valid, past our prime, or beyond existence in a box somewhere on a shelf? Yeah, I hope that question offended you! Because it should! Motherhood has no expiration date, and yet right around 2 years postpartum, Mom’s are no longer on a “high priority list”. This is so wrong! On average it takes a Mom to become “mostly back to normal” about 2 years postpartum. However, in recent studies, it has been discovered that Mom’s don’t find a true balance for almost 10 years postpartum from their last born child. Think about it, your body, your organs, your hormones, and your mind all got shifted and moved around for 10 months! So, why do practically all Mom’s stop making their health a priority after 2 years postpartum? Why does it seem as though our health care “expires” 2 years after our babies are born?

Well, the answer lies in a very old fashioned health care system…that is going to struggle if it doesn’t adapt soon (and we will too)! But, that’s why so many of us Integrative Health Coaches are stepping in to assist those in need of a drastic transformation! Don’t get me wrong, I believe every distinct doctor is needed for humans to live optimally. But, there is a massive rift in the system. There is plenty of space for all doctors at the table. The trick is to get them to sit down together (along with insurance companies)! And while we are slowly getting there, those of us that have taken on the title of “Integrative Health Coach”, are willing to hold up the bridge between all the doctors, and help individuals cross over to a healthier way of living. It is my belief (and I know the belief of many others) that our bodies are remarkable machines that have the capability to heal themselves…that is if we allow them to. What I, and so many others have learned, in our studies and research, is basic, but also very complicated to achieve all on ones own. There are so many false marketing schemes out there, so many trends, so many ideas thrown in our faces whether it be on social media, in friendly gatherings, billboards, or even in our own doctors office. One gets overwhelmed, and more often than not, people give up and stop trying. However, I am hopeful that Mom’s can change that cycle, not just with themselves, but in their homes as well. Being healthy becomes extremely contagious!

What Will It Take

The driving factor that made me WANT to help other Mom’s was the statement: “Within the next decade Mom’s will live a longer disease span than life span if health trends and statistics continue”. At first this statement made me sad. Then it really ticked me off! Trying to find any literature of the health of Mom’s after two years postpartum is pretty slim pickings. You basically go from postpartum check ups to perimenopause! So, apparently Mom’s go from giving birth to hot flashes, aging hormones, and no menstrual cycles with nothing in between? Hmmm…that was not adding up for me! In all the information I have gathered, I discovered how chaotic our Mom bods truly are in the “in between” phase of life that most of us are not informed of. Some information completely blew my mind, while most of the information put me at ease and calmed me for the first time, in a very long time. We are still changing as Mom’s in that “in between” phase. We will never be back to “normal” because our bodies don’t NEED us to be back at the “normal” we were before. Our bodies need us to be where they are now, or prepare for where we are going. Sure, we are more curvy, we have beautifully earned marks on our bodies, and our hormones are all over the place! That’s perfect! That is exactly where our bodies need to be. Our Mom bods will heal and be stronger than they were before, as long as we discover ways to guide that healing process.

This is the sole purpose of my Blogs. To help Mom’s discover the best path of healing for their own specific needs. We need to understand our own pains, our own injuries, and our own life story. There are so many questions we will break down, answer, and discover throughout my Blogs so you can find your own healing modalities that will work for you. Every week I will be introducing one inspiration or tip for you to learn about and possibly integrate into your lifestyle, if it resonates with you. All I ask is that you stay open to the idea that you are strong enough and worthy enough to heal yourself. Motherhood is not a phase of life that has an expiration date, it is a continuous and ever evolving impact on our life here on earth. We need the tools to understand and heal our bodies, but mostly we need the patience and openness to allow it to work its magic. All it takes is is our willingness to WANT to heal ourselves, our bodies will do the rest!

Looking for ward to next week!

If you ever have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out! Click on the “Contact Me” tab at the top of the page to send me a message.