Self Journalism
What is the role of a Journalist: “The key objective of a Journalist is to gather information, write news pieces, and present the news in an honest and balanced manner.” Hmmmmm…Do you see much of this today? But wait, the definition goes on: “In addition to investigating and reporting on current events, they also work on articles and features that update and influence public opinion.” THAT’S A BINGO!!! It is my belief (see here I go influencing) that the media and journalists have been really focused more on the latter now a days; and definitely NOT in a positive way.
My intent is not to blast the media or journalists, but to encourage you to investigate current events on your own. I know it is a bit harder in today’s world to find a non biased news source, but there are very reputable journalists and influencers out there that truly want to just GIVE YOU INFORMATION. We just need to dissect and discover legitimate sources on our own.
We live a world that relies heavily on opinion, more than facts. The fast paced, convenient society has NO TIME to gather reliable resources that are truly looking out for our BEST interests. You have heard me discuss the food industry, and how corrupt it is. Who the heck makes these charts telling us what we should eat? You mean to tell me we are supposed to eat 6-11 servings of grains a day? Oh, you got that wrong (or you were forced to get SLIGHTLY honest?). I mean, we had a “Death Counter” for crying out loud during this pandemic. Have you ever seen something SO sickening?! Who knew, a virus would take so many lives? Yet, we don’t have a “Death Counter” for all those lives we have lost every year to the epidemic of Obesity. (Which by the way is 300,00-at least-Just in America on average every year!) This is not to minimize the impact of ANY virus, but to bring about the bigger topic of what is NOT discussed in the public eye. Is it becoming too taboo, not a “hot headline”, and less of a dollar value to speak and inform of the TRUTH?!
Ever tell your kids to mind their own business? Deep down I think we hope that our kids allow others to form their own opinions, and that they build their own, without influence. Well, the media of today doesn’t care about any of those values. They want to influence ALL of us, and even change the atmosphere of our homes. We can’t even have our own values in our homes today…or at least that’s what they want.
Whether it be the news media, or social media, our families are surrounded by pushy and very negative agendas. “Take this pill to drop pounds.” “Become the most followed influencer in your circle by following these steps to get more followers.” My favorite, that I get all the time, “Make more money by following MY plan.” Like doing EXACTLY what another person is doing is going to fulfill my life. (No matter the amount of money, becoming a copy cat will always feel like the empty work of another persons army!) Ugh…it’s like we can’t ever get enough “brain time” to gather ideas ON OUR OWN TERMS. It takes an insane amount of practice to “wean” off of social media…and to NOT believe a lot of what the news media is reporting.
It’s not just about WHAT they are reporting, but HOW they are reporting it. When you just present people with numbers, without a comparison…it will scare the heck out of anyone. Or, when you present a product that can make everything seem perfect without presenting the negative side effects…that will persuade anyone to buy it! (Thank you Cereal and Makeup Corporations!) We need to start researching where these sources are getting their information from, and what the TRUE nature of the information, or products, will be providing to us and our families.
I have found, in my own diligence, that it is sometimes fairly difficult to find TRUE facts of sources, or actual long term effects of certain products. But, I have found, that if you follow the money trail, it leads you to quite alarming information. Sadly, not ALL companies are looking out for your best interest, or your families (especially your teens!). They sure do make it difficult for you to find them though, and they hide in extremely dark corners protected by many barriers. I don’t tell you this to scare you. I tell you this so you can begin the process of ensuring that your family is equipped with the best support and information that will allow your family (and future generations) to thrive.
If you are reading studies, make sure you can find where the funding has been coming from. Many food and prescription studies are funded by Big Food Corporations that provide “donations” to the government to ensure their products stay on the shelves in your local grocery stores. They even have a reputation of “paying off” results in order to present their products as “safe”. Many ingredients that we still consider “safe” in America, are banned in many other countries around the world because they are found to be highly toxic and deadly for human consumption. Sounds like something we, as parents, definitely need to become more aware of before giving our kids another baggy full of Fruit Loops huh?!
As for Social Media, there is a drastically long list of scary things this platform provides for adults and youth. While there are positive aspects, like being able to discuss subjects with people all over the world, and being able to communicate with loved ones near and far, there is a sinister aspect at work behind the scenes. There is no coincidence between the rise in popularity of social media platforms and the increase of depression and suicide rates. The constant dopamine, serotonin, and cortisol fluctuation in the brain causes addictive habits, and completely jacks up your hormonal responses (to be completely blunt). We have already depressed adults, and teens, using these platforms regularly. And yet, we still ask why they are not able to transfer out of their depressive state. If social influencers and news media choose to ignore the TRUE CURRENT INVENTS, then it is up to us adults to reach out and educate the younger generations about FALSE vs TRUE, FACT vs OPINION, and HATE vs LOVE.
Don’t be afraid to limit tech use! That also goes for some of us adults. I know plenty of adults that need to seriously start setting limits on tech…I have to set limits on myself at times when I go “overboard”. If our kids constantly see us on tech, guess what…they will do it too!!!! No matter how amazing and self disciplined we think our kids are, the social media platform will eat our kids up! Do you know how much time they spend (or you spend) on social media daily? Do you notice their mood changes when they are on it longer? No, I’m not a therapist or psychologist, but if your child (or you) battles with, or has battled, depression or suicidal thoughts, keep them off of social media and find a social circle to actually socialize with. The algorithms on social media are designed to screw with your hormones to continuously bringing you back…so fight back, and deaden that power it has over you, and your kids. I am not completely anti-social media. I just think we all need to control what we, and our kids, are influenced by; not allowing others to control our opinions and thoughts within our homes.
We live in a troubled world in this present moment. So much information generated by an ugly and hateful opinion coming from a source that cannot be found. These sources somewhat remind me of “Lord of the Rings” and the army of darkness. Growing more and more powerful, hidden in a dark place that is unseen. Only to strike when the numbers are powerful enough. However, this is not a Fictional novel, this is our reality…and I’m exhausted from just watching the army wielding its weapons. It’s time for us parents, and older generations, to take back our values in our homes, and raise our kids together for a better future.