The Mental Mom

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Mama’s impact

I am fully aware that both parents are extremely important in raising kids, but today, I am focusing on us Mama’s. You Dad’s need to read this info as well though, as you provide the biggest support that us Mama’s need. From conception, all the way to adulthood, Mom’s provide the most essential necessities for a child’s ultimate survival. Speaking from experience ( x 3), kids are in constant search of knowledge. Their curiosity only fades out when we withhold them from discovering the answer, or when we stop showing interest in what they find fascinating. As Mom’s we answer hundreds of questions a day…between the ages of 2 to 5, kids ask on average 40,000 questions. That’s a lot of knowledge being acquired. It is such a beautiful thing, having an inquisitive child, but it can be exhausting for Mama’s, am I right? But, that’s why we take our JOB so seriously! We are walking Googles for our little ones. We are nurses, coaches, nutritionists, teachers, drivers, nature lovers, and the list goes on. So how on earth are we, as Mama’s, supposed to be all these things, wrapped up in one body? Well, we just do it because we know how HUGE our impact is. (And, if you aren’t aware of how HUGE your impact is…you’re in for an enlightenment.)


As I mentioned in my previous Blog, the process of conception is complex. It is such a miraculous event that takes place in a woman’s body. From the moment of conception, cells are being created, splitting and creating more cells, growing organs, and eventually creating a human. Within the first 36 days, the most rapid growth is occurring, the heart chambers are already developing, the arms and legs are forming, and the primitive vertebrae are building themselves. Did you know, if the development of the fetus were to continue at this pace, baby would be 1.5 tons at birth?!!! Ummmm, holy moly. Thank goodness our awesome bodies can say, “Wow, slow down there!”… Let’s just pause and think about that for a moment…We don’t need to have our bodies read an instruction manual, or the latest, “How to Grow a Baby in 9 Months” book. Our bodies just do it. Our amazing Mama bodies know just what to do, how many nutrients to give the fetus, how much warmth, how much air, how much blood, you get the picture! It just knows. Our bodies are AMAZING!!! They just split and fuse until every part of a human body is created!

Now, let’s talk about why Mama is such an important role here, besides the obvious…Yup, you are the vessel for this life form to grow in. You know how I said your body knows how many nutrients, how much warmth, air, blood, etc. the fetus needs? Well, the body has to take all those things from somewhere, and that somewhere is…You guessed it, MAMA! (From the moment of conception, WE are feeding our kids!) I sometimes have to scratch my head at why we don’t learn how to feed ourselves from conception through birth. Ya know, the actual vessel that the life form is growing in? We learn everything about how to breathe, how to proceed through labor, how to nurse, yada, yada, yada. But, no one ever told me how to EAT! THAT seems like kind of a big deal when this life form I’m growing is taking A LOT from my body! Instead, you have to really dig into your own research, if you have the time, and if you want to understand HOW aware you need to be of the nutrients, or lack there of, are going into your body. If you are blessed with a Functional or Naturopathic Dr, you are in good hands. If you are like I was (pre-enlightenment), I am here to help you in any way I can.

Mama’s need a Whole Food Nutrition Plan. What does that mean? Well, if you pick up food that is in its natural form, it’s a whole food (ie. an apple, banana, avocado, etc.). If it came in a box, bag, or some kind of processed food, put it down! I know it sounds harsh because cravings are REAL, but that is your body sending you info that you are lacking in something. Which leads me to my next recommendation; supplements. Be sure to ask your Dr the proper supplements you should be taking, and if you could get labs to see if you are deficient in any essential vitamins or minerals that you should also be supplementing during your pregnancy. These two subjects are not just for growing a strong baby, but to keep Mama strong throughout the process as well. Your body is working overtime, so you need to take extra special care of it! Otherwise, how will you care for that life form when it comes out? (Your body needs all cells on deck, working at their highest potential for all those feedings, cleanings, and late nights!)

Speaking of when the baby comes out…understanding how important a natural birth (or making a plan with your doctor to perform Vaginal Seeding) is definitely a discussion to have with all who are going to be involved in the delivery. When a baby is coming out, they inhale, and are covered in, the vaginal secretions from the mother. Why is this so important? That secretion accounts for 2,000,000 to 20,000,000 substances that create the babies MICROBIOME. My favorite word! “Technically speaking, you are a few human cells hanging on to a bacterial colony.” (Deepak Chopra, MD) Haha! So, 99% of your genetic information comes from your microbiome! This is why it is so important to help baby have a healthy microbiome from the beginning! And we can talk about keeping it healthy down below.

Human Life Form (After Birth A.B.)

Aren’t we the craziest cellular makeup in science?! I mean truly…right at conception we already gather 25,000 genes from Mom and Dad. Didn’t even have to do anything, just, BAM, here you go! But, the coolest thing, I think, by far, is that 99% of our cellular makeup is our microbiome. That thing is everywhere in our bodies. Our organs, our skin, our ears…everywhere! Keeping our kids microbiome healthy is a HUGE deal, especially if you have a family history of chronic illnesses. You see, even though we are born with certain genes, does not mean they have to turn on. We control the on/off switch by what we eat, intake in our environment, and how we handle stress. That is an amazing new science being discovered as we speak called: EPIGENETICS! Most of us carry genetics being one form of disease or another, but a majority of us have the ability to keep that gene in the off mode. We can help our kids do that too!

If our kids see us living a healthy lifestyle, they will want to be part of it too. That’s why we Mama’s are a HUGE impact in our homes! Among doing the massive list of to do’s every day, we have to make priorities, and stick to them.


HEALTHY WELLNESS/FOOD. I make sure everyone is eating Whole Foods most of the day. We still enjoy the sweet treats of life, but in moderation, like 1-2 times a week (if that). I also give my family supplements. I feed them pickles, good fats, and lots of veggies and fruits. I am a Mama in charge, and it feels good to see my kiddos grow up knowing that I truly care about their health not just now, but in the future. I live by example as well. I simply eat what they eat, exercise, and take some time for me. When we are all making healthy choices, our household in harmony and not dysfunction.


NEVER STOP LEARNING. I love when my kids catch me reading, or watching a documentary. They know Mama is always adding to her Knowledge Bank! Just like our kids go to school, we need to go to school. No matter what we are learning. The best part, is as an adult we get to choose what we learn. I happened to choose nutrition and wellness, and I highly encourage fellow Mama’s out there to dive into that field of education, even if it is just a little bit. It will be such a blessing in your home. And, while we are learning for ourselves, our kids retain that knowledge as well, when we choose to share it with them.


PLAY WITH YOUR KIDS. Always play with the little ones. Play is the best way that they learn. And, getting dirty creates for a healthy immune system, but make sure they get a bath after (ha)! All mammals play. They also nurture, snuggle, coo, clean (lick), and sing. Play! Always play. It is the most impactful way of teaching motor skills, problem solving, creativity, and so many more skills that set them up for life. Never underestimate the power of play. You will never regret a day you played with your little ones, and they will always remember how much you taught them.

It does seem quite simple, but in today’s world we battle so many obstacles. Hectic schedules, tempting drive thrus, billboards and posters marketing sweets. The thought of living such a basic and simple healthy life, almost seems out of reach. We just need to take our Captain’s hat, put it on proudly, and march to the rhythm that benefits our families health in the highest regard. At the end of the day, Mama’s (and Dad’s too) are the ultimate care takers for the home. We need to embrace the fact, that we are the impact that will create the ultimate ripple effect in those little people that we raise from conception. In doing so, when they become parents themselves, they will simply know what to do.