The Mental Mom

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The Nutrition Kitchen

The kitchen has always been my favorite classroom. It’s like a huge and constantly active science lab! Especially in my house; we have to constantly make sure we aren’t about to eat one of the kids latest experiments! (I know many of you know what I’m talking about!) I have always loved cooking and baking. These last few years I have had to step way outside of my comfort zone with everything I prepare in my kitchen. Ya see, when you discover you have an autoimmune disease, everything you put in your body has an impact, good or bad. If you don’t focus on that, the quality of life deflates., much like ANY human on this planet. You eat food that has no positive affect on your body, you feel gross…you eat food that has ONLY positive affects on your body, you feel fabulous! It’s not rocket science, but IT IS a science! It’s a science that we should experiment WAY more with in our kitchens at home. Small or big, make your kitchen the coolest science lab you have ever walked into. THIS is where you should invest more quality time and money…it is your LIFE after all!!!

At The Heart Of It All

It is so refreshing to know that more and more families are eating home cooked meals. I think everyone is getting the hint with the quickly climbing statistics of obesity related illnesses. YES…it is the food you eat…and YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Oh, and one more…”Let food be thine medicine.” These are all ringing catastrophically true throughout the health care industry of today. Individuals are beginning to regain control over their own health. We no longer ignore symptoms because someone can’t explain it, nor do we want to only thrive on meds. PEOPLE WANT TO THRIVE ALL THE TIME…without relying on meds. Even BIG FOOD companies are being hit because of the boom in the TRUE HEALTHY eating (no, I’m not talking about the “gluten free” processed foods that have exploded-just cause it’s gluten free does not mean it’s healthy, hate to break it to ya!). But, REAL “science in the kitchen” healthy eating. People are going to farmers markets, buying organic, and reading labels. Most of us are sick and tired of being sick and tired! Please understand, this is not “punishing” a household, it is revitalizing it!

Pantry Essentials

Healthy cookbooks sold all over the place have an entire section in the front discussing what essentials to stock up with for their nutrition path in that particular book. Which, can be helpful, but when you get bored of those recipes, those ingredients just sit there and spoil. When filling the pantry with essentials, for you and your family, it begins with a good old family meeting and a legal pad. Discussing with everyone in the household (their likes and dislikes) will make your life easier, and cheaper!

Now, this is not a one day project of throwing out all the food and ingredients that no longer serve you and your family. It is a slow process. It took me about 2 years to get my pantry and fridge feeling just right. Use up all of the ingredients you have on hand, but don’t replenish those ingredients. Instead, replenish the pantry with new ingredients you want to establish in your kitchen one by one. As the old ingredients fade out, the newer and healthier ingredients will begin to fill up your kitchen. However, if you do want to jump right in, donate the ingredients to a food bank, or a neighbor that will use them. Remember, it’s a lot easier, and less stressful, if you take it slow, and begin to crowd out the ingredients you no longer have room for. So where does one begin with crowding out the old with the new in the kitchen? Here are some tips…

Baking family:

  1. Flours: White and Whole Wheat should be “organic”. If you have a Gluten Free or Wheat Allergy house, discover the world of nut flours. (There are even a massive amount of premixed flours for baking gluten free. But use sparingly-these tend to pack a lot more sugar than if you make it.) Try to only keep small amounts of baking flours on hand if using nut flours, they spoil more quickly because they are not as processed. (Or store them in the freezer for up to six months.)

  2. Sugar: Use sparingly…NO MATTER WHAT! I have thrown granulated sugar out of my kitchen all together. Once in a while (like around Christmas!) I will buy a 8oz box to make a batch or two of cookies. The rest of the time, I use monk fruit sweetener, pure maple syrup, or honey. If it comes from nature, and has one ingredient, it’s a winner (in moderation!) Fruit also works as a fantastic natural sweetener. My kids have even discovered (again by being scientists in the kitchen) how to make chocolate syrup, jam, and fudge, all from natural sweetner’s. Now that I think of it, I really need to add a section in my recipes devoted to my kids creations!

  3. Extracts and Spices: Look for labels that state it is organic and non GMO. But, if you are so inclined, make these items on your own. Extracts are so easy to make and you can find instructions on any search engine. They just take some patience (about 6 weeks for a 4oz bottle). And some stores carry whole spices you can blend on your own. But, again, look for organic and non GMO on the labels.

  4. Baking Soda and Baking Powder should be aluminum free and non GMO.

  5. Dairy: if you have a non dairy house, stick to nut milks. There are so many to choose from, and the recipes come out exactly the same way. If you can digest dairy, stick to whole milk and whole fat products. “Fat Free” and “Low Fat” have higher sugar content and pretty much no nutritional value whatsoever, so why bother?! (That “low fat; no fat” trend has been proven extremely unhealthy…stay away!)

  6. Eggs: “Pasture Raised”. If you can purchase them from your local farmers market (and you can chat with the farmer about how the chickens are raised), DO IT!!! They pack so much more nutritional value for you! Or raise your own flock of chickens for eggs…I love my Orpingtons! If you can’t have eggs, applesauce is a great alternative along with “Flax eggs” (trust me, just look it up-it’s a real thing!). I use applesauce whenever I run out of eggs. It adds delicious sweetness and gives your baked goods the same moisture and texture an egg would.

  7. Butter: “Grass Fed” and “Unsalted”. That’s all I have to say on that. Alternatives are coconut oil, nut butters, olive oil, greek yogurt, or ghee. AGAIN…Organic and non-GMO.

  8. Additions such as chocolate chips, dried fruit, nuts, fruit, etc. Organic, Non GMO, RAW, or simply no ingredients at all if it is fresh! Stick with low sugar additions as much as possible. Keep small amounts of nuts and seeds, or store in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Basic Cooking Family:

  1. Oils: “Good Fats” as your oils to cook with. I stick to Cold Pressed Olive Oil (Yes, “Cold Pressed” is very important!), Coconut Oil (mostly for baking), Grass Fed Butter, and Avocado Oil. I use different grades of Olive Oil based hinging on if I’m sautéing or making a dressing. I like using my higher grade Oil for dressing and as a topper on fish or pasta.

  2. Grains: First and foremost, make sure your household can digest grains. Look for Organic and Non GMO. If you are a Gluten Free house stick to “Gluten Free” labeled grains mainly: Quinoa, Amaranth, Rice (Brown), Millet, Buckwheat, Sorghum, Teff, pastas, and some oats. Grains should be a smaller portion on the plate, so don’t feel the need to buy a 20 pound bag at Costco. If eating grains as a side dish 2 nights week in a family of 4, a 16 oz bag should last you about 2 weeks. (Yes, that’s called portion control…which I will chat about in a different blog!) While certain grains provide a great amount of nutrients, a majority of nutrients should be provided by vegetables and fruit.

  3. Legumes: Some households have a hard time digesting legumes, but if your house is able, stock up on this group of food! They are high in fiber, protein, iron, phosphorus, folate, and potassium…making them an amazing substitute for meat (if your trying to eat less meat!). Look for Organic and Non GMO. I purchase my pinto beans from the farmers market, along with my green beans. Peas and Lentils are also great legumes to have on hand for salads and soups.

  4. Seasonings: Fresh Herbs always provide so much flavor and amazing nutrients to any dish. Always look for Organic, or grow your own at home. Any jarred seasoning needs to be Organic and Non-GMO. Stay away from purchasing the “Sets” of seasonings. Half of them you more than likely won’t use. Instead, buy the seasonings as you need them in order to create your seasoning drawer. Seasonings should be refreshed every 6 months or so. (Yes, they actually do have a shelf life!)

  5. Snacks: This category is the nemesis for most households. We do so well with our meals, and completely blow it on the snacks. I promise, if you put a small effort into snacks, you will be so proud of yourself, and so much healthier! If you HAVE to have grab and go prefixed or bagged snacks on hand, look for Organic, very little sugar, and natural ingredients. If there are ingredients that you can’t pronounce, or there are more than 5 ingredients…DROP IT!! There are so many options for repacked snacks, you will find one that is “healthier” if you put time into looking. THE BEST SNACKS are the ones you package at home: pre portioned out veggie snack jars/bags, fruit parfaits, homemade pickled jars, guacamole dip, etc. Why homemade snacks are the best should be an easy answer. You know exactly what you are eating, you portion it exactly to your needs, and you just feel better after eating YOUR snacks. Plus, they don’t take that much time to prep…maybe 20 minutes, if that every week! SO, no excuses!

When it comes to cooking in the kitchen, keep it basic! The more elaborate you try to become, the more you begin to dislike being in the kitchen! Don’t overwhelm yourself, or your kitchen!

The Cold Foods

  1. Vegetables: Keep a variety of colorful Veggies to your families liking stocked in abundance in the fridge (or pantry). Try to buy as many Organic and Non GMO as you can. (Look up “The Dirty Dozen” if it’s too costly to go 100% Organic.) Don’t just let them rot and go bad either. Right when you get home from the Farmers Market or the store, prep your snacks, wash your produce (Especially Non Organic produce), and store it properly so it can last you for at least the next few days, if not the week. (I discuss storing produce properly in my Food Prep Blog if you need some guidance.)

  2. Fruit: Again Keep a variety of colors on hand. Try to buy Organic. Store them in a basket in the fridge for quick grab snacks, chop and store berries really quick when you get home so they are ready to be used. Place a fruit basket on the counter, and always have it filled with fruit to snack on…especially if you live in a sweet tooth house. (Although, you should be eating a majority of your fruit in the morning, but it’s better to snack on an apple in the afternoon than a Crunch Bar.)

  3. Beverages: If you are decreasing soda intake in your home, slowly add in flavored carbonated water. As the soda disappears, replenish it with carbonated water. There are so many flavors out there, but beware that you are not drinking the Sugary ones. These are sodas masked with a false label! Always read the labels. You will begin to notice your sugar cravings slowly fade as you integrate more water and less soda into your kitchen. Also, keep the carbonated drinks to a small amount. Too much acid can cause digestive issues. Drink filtered water as much as possible, keep the carbonated beverages and juices to 1-2 a day.

  4. Meats: Lunch meats should be eaten in moderation and only if they are Grass Fed or Certified Organic. Most factory produced lunch meats contain carcinogen. Not sure I want that on my plate!! If you do eat lunch/deli meat, eat it once a week, and read the label! Red meats should be Grass Fed and finished. Poultry should be Organic and Pasture raised, same as pork. And if you want to have a truly healthy kitchen stay away from the “faux” meats: bologna, hotdogs, or anything that doesn’t look like it came from an animal slapped with a meat label! (Factory red meat is injected with a red dye to give it an enticing color in the stores, same as factory farmed salmon! Meat should be a dark brown color-it’s natural due to the oxidation process!)

  5. Fish: All fish should be wild caught! Salmon is such an amazing source of Omega 3 fatty acids…but only if it is wild caught! Don’t over do it on the Salmon though, they are quite fatty, so keep it to about 2-3 3.5 oz servings a week if you are incorporating that in to your kitchen! Also, keep the fish intake to a maximum of 12 oz every week to prevent mercury levels to go up in your system.

  6. Condiments: Use these in moderation, measure them out if you have to! Always buy the Organic and Non GMO. Always check the labels…remember 5 or less ingredients. Put down the condiment if it contains High Fructose Corn Syrup, MSG, and high amounts of sugar or salt! If all else fails, make your sauces and dressings from scratch at home…it’s a lot easier than you think!

  7. Dairy: If you love and are able to digest dairy in your home, buy high quality products. These products should be used in moderation, so investing in a better product, should go a long way in your home. Grass Fed Butter, Organic and Grass Fed Dairy products, Whole Fat products, and No Flavoring added. If you have a harder time digesting cheese, stick with mozzarella, longer aged cheese, goat cheese, or sheep milk cheese. Trust me, I love cheese, and I have had to find alternatives, they are all over now!

  8. Fermented Foods: I had to plug this category in because it is so amazing for your health! Your gut loves fermented food…it’s raw and fresh probiotics! What’s not to love. Throw it on salads, on chicken and rice… it’s delicious! Buy Organic Non GMO, or make your own at home…It is so easy, plus the kids love jumping in and making it (another science experiment!)

  9. Frozen Fruits & Veggies: These should all be Organic! They are so cheap, and highly nutritious. I know so many people that are so confused about buying frozen, thinking they are not as nutritious…I’m here to tell you they are!!! If not more nutritious at time. They are picked and flash frozen at the peak of the harvest…making them jam packed with nutrition.

  10. Treats: Make homemade treats!! Invest in an ice cream maker, and popsicle molds! They are so easy to whip together, I get so mad that I wasted money before on store bought treats…plus mine are way more nutritious, and I know what ingredients are in them…NO PRESERVATIVES! If you’re just “not that household”; Organic, grass fed and whole fat dairy treats should be the go to. Also, there are great varieties of popsicles that I can’t refuse the kids which I purchase, that are Organic and Non GMO.

  11. In General: Read labels! Read Labels! Read Labels! Did ya get that?!!!

  12. Stick to the perimeter of the store, only go to the aisle if you have a list of ingredients you have already planned to buy. Make a menu for the week to set you up for success. Plan out your shopping day, and block out an hour after you get home to prep and store your food.

  13. Over crowd your plate with veggies, eat the veggies first, and then work on the grains and animal protein. Make the Veggies the “STAR” of the meal, not the animal protein.

  14. Make veggies and fruit the snacks of choice, and make them accessible at all times, especially for the little hands!

  15. Most importantly: Include everyone in the household in the nutrition of the kitchen! This is the best classroom, and the most important. Teach your kids HOW to eat and WHAT to eat. You may surprise yourself with how much you learn!

There is nothing more sacred than you and your families life. We need to be more protective about what we put into our bodies. Every bite that we eventually (and hopefully) digest, will either assist us in having a longer and healthier life, or a shorter and more chronically painful life. It’s never too late to make a healthier kitchen! Even if you have been diagnosed with an illness or a disease. Making a healthier kitchen will build you a stronger vessel to battle whatever complication you are up against.

Some great sources I purchase my items from:

  • Grains, Flours, Snacks & Condiments: Thrive Market (I love Simple Mills for Gluten Free)

  • Meat & Fish: Moink

  • Pre made Smoothies, frozen bites, and other dishes: Daily Harvest

  • Spices and Dairy: Sprouts & Whole Foods

  • Legumes, Fruits & Veggies: My local Farmers Market, Sprouts & Whole Foods