Are You Lacking?
No, I did not say leaking, however, lacking in vitamins and minerals may lead to a broken down system, eventually causing a leaky gut, among many other harsh side affects. I may sound like a broken record, and I don’t care! Having yourself tested for deficiencies is one of the most important things you can do to protect your internal “eco system”. Anything you lack can lead to numerous diseases, physical ailments, and emotional diagnosis. Deficiencies were such a massive wake up call to me when I began my journey into mental and physical well being. I hope it enlightens you as well.
Common Deficiencies
In today’s world we are more likely to know about where a Kardashian ate for dinner, than what our vitamin and mineral counts are…in our own body! Many may think it is “wacky” and a “thing”, but I’m here to tell you that your health, and your families health, should never be just a “thing”. This is your health! This is their health! And just as we have grown from History through War and expansion as Nations, our Medical world has grown through technology and science. These are facts, not made up “hooky” guesses. Numbers are numbers!
So many of us walk around in pain, exhausted, and not having a clue that our body is trying to tell us something, “YOU ARE LACKING!!!” If you have kids, this is relatable. Just walked in from school, “I’m hungry!” Just woke up, “I’m so tired!” Our bodies function like children, when it needs something, it tells you. Do you ignore your kids all the time? Then why would you ignore your own self?
It is common to have multiple deficiencies in today’s world. Our typical western diet lacks many vitamins and minerals that our bodies require in order to function properly. Iron is probably one of the most common deficiencies found. Without a substantial amount of Iron, our bodies cannot make enough red blood cells to move our oxygen around, leading to Anemia. Another highly deficient mineral is Iodine. Iodine is so important for Thyroid function! Anyone who battles with thyroid issues…LISTEN UP!! Little Iodine in the body will cause an enlarged thyroid gland (leading to a goiter), an increase of heart rate, cause shortness of breath, and cause weight gain. A lack of Iodine in kids may cause mental retardation and developmental abnormalities. ( I could write an entire blog about the importance of Iodine!!) Vitamin D deficiency is rising. About half of the U.S. population lacks a sufficient amount of Vitamin D in their blood. This increases risks of muscle fatigue, bone loss, bone fractures, reduced immune functions, cancer, and in kids leads to growth delays and soft bones. Another increasing deficiency is Vitamin B12. This one is tricky. Our bodies do not produce this vitamin, but it is crucial for blood formation as well as brain and nerve function. A deficiency of Vitamin B12 can lead to megaloblastic anemia (enlargement of red blood cells), impaired brain function, and elevated homocysteine levels (which can cause arterial damage and blood clots in your blood vessels). Because it is easily excreted (leaves the body), you can never have “too much” Vitamin B12.
These are only a few deficiencies that are commonly found. I bet that number would rise if every individual would test their Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies. Even kids are at high risk, if not more, from deficiencies. Our bodies “telling us” should be reason enough to go get tested. The test is the easy part. Once you find out your “lacking”, the process begins.
The Process
I can’t even call this “work”, because it is “life”. This is you and your families health. How your physical well being is enhanced or declining. How your emotional responses among your family and with yourself impact your life. THAT is the process of filling that “lacking”, that void that your body is telling you to fill. Whether it be Seed Cycling, creating a nutrition plan, or working with your doctor to plan supplements, creating a strong and balanced “eco system” will allow you, and your loved ones, to have a better quality of life. Let the process begin.
Food is your new BFF, if you will, when catching up on your Vitamins and Minerals. Depending on your deficiencies, there are so many foods that contain what you need to thrive. You don’t need a magic powder, or some massive horse pill (for most). Throughout the day I eat my veggies and fruit, sometimes when I’m on the run, I have smoothies. Yup, sometimes I have more than one smoothie, whatever gets those Vitamins and Minerals in! Most Minerals and Vitamins are found in plants. If you are vegan, vegetarian, paleo, or any other titled eater, be aware that what you do not get from animal products, grains, or anything your nutrition doesn’t account for, needs to be supplemented by some other means.
Supplements are a fantastic way to get your counts up, but be under special guard of dosage. There are certain Vitamins and Minerals that can cause harsh side affects if one over doses. Be sure to use supplements under a doctors care. I have had amazing results with my supplements. Every morning like clock work, I take my Vitamins and my probiotic.
For some, shots are a safer way to draw your counts up. Vitamin B12 is an example. Individuals lack certain proteins, or other factors, that may call for assistance from a higher dosage, or an injection, in order for the body to absorb the Vitamin or Mineral. Injections should always be supervised and controlled by a doctor’s care.
The main idea is to make sure your counts are right where they need to be! However you choose to go about your own process, be committed to it.
Commit To Yourself
Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the appropriate tests to take. Discuss your symptoms and concerns with them. These can help the doctor navigate which tests to call for, unless they choose to do a full panel. While I highly recommend seeking guidance from a doctor, I am aware that some choose to fully commit to the process on their own. Checking the blood labs near you for different deficiency tests can offer some assistance and guidance for those that choose to do so.
This is not just a fad diet. Let me state that in a different way, this is not something that you can “try out”. This is your body make up. You own unique counts of Vitamins and Minerals. When your body is telling you that it needs something, listen to it. Never say, “I’ll get to it later!” Later may be too late. Why would you ignore something that is causing you pain? Would you ignore your own child if they were hurt or not their usual self? We need to start making our “eco systems”, our internal health, a top priority. Without a strong foundation, without knowledge of how we could prevent our own demise, living will be just a “thing”. If you ever go all in on anything in life, let it be on your health. Everything else will still add to the quality of your life, but without your health, everything else will cease to exist.