The Mental Mom

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Let's Talk About Food BA-BY!

Mouthwatering. Savory. Sweet. Tasty. Juicy. Tempting. Heavenly. Succulent. Inviting. Just a few words to start my topic of FOOD today.

These words pop in my mind, especially looking at pictures of Famers Markets that are beginning to emerge all over! Which makes me so excited! My favorite market I have walked through so far, had to be in Nice, France. You could SMELL the berries and lavender when you were going from table to table. “This is what heaven is like”. I am never able to walk into a grocery store and smell the fruit, veggies, or even the flowers. Although, sometimes the flowers give off a sent of being in a funeral parlor. Am I right? If you have never experienced a Farmer’s Market, I highly recommend it! Just buy a few items, and see how the smell and the flavor are different. Plus, you will be supporting your local farmers, some even have box deliveries that are dropped right at your front door. Enough gushing over fresh farmed foods…let’s talk about why you never see processed foods at a Farmers Market. Even in the grocery store, you have to hunt for processed foods inside rows upon rows of boxes and bags…never able to hand pick to your liking…sounds a bit odd to allow a company that doesn’t know you, or your family, to control the contents of the mystery in the box, don’t ya think? In order to understand WHY food is so important to our health, we need to understand WHAT food we NEED to be consuming.

Give Me More

The world of Macronutrients is a world of ample food and nutrients that are needed in LARGE amounts inside our bodies and systems. Basically, our bodies scream, “Give me more!”. When our body has enough Macros, it lives in a state called “homeostasis”. (Fancy word for balanced.) About 70% of American adults and 40% of American children are overeating Macros, which lines them up for chronic ailments, cancers, obesity, and so many other health complications. So, what is it exactly, that we are eating too much of? What is a Macronutrient? I’ll break it down into the three categories:

  • Carbohydrates. Ahhh, Carbs. What comes to mind when you think of Carbs? I used to think all Carbs were evil. Bread and “heavy” foods was all my mind would focus on when thinking of Carbs. But, man was I wrong. Carbs give you energy, help our digestion stay healthy, and assist in maintaining your optimal weight! Say what? Ok, so maybe I always ate the wrong Carbs without knowing it. (Pizza, bread, and cake does not count as a “healthy” carb?) (insert sigh) “Simple” Carbs are the “sugary” Carbs that give us that energy kick and some source of fiber. “Complex” Carbs are loaded with fiber that helps our gut health, assists weight management, and lowers cholesterol. That actually sounds nice, not evil!! So what food counts as Carbohydrates….

Simple Carbs: Dairy, Fruit, Honey, Malt Sugar, Glucose, Sugar Complex Carbs: Whole Grains (Rice, quinoa, etc.), Beans/Legumes, Some Starchy Veggies Refined Carbs: White Flour (These Crabs are manufactured by removing the bran and germ from the actual grain…pretty much all health benefits are stripped of the grain)

When deciding which Carbs to consume, stay away from refined carbs. When a food has to tell you it’s healthy, it’s not. The less ingredients, the better. And, if there are ingredients you can’t pronounce, put it down. Nothing that comes as a bar will make you healthier (unless you make it at home with REAL ingredients!). The sugar in refined and processed Carbs causes glucose levels to spike, forcing your insulin to work overtime, which then leads to “energy” being dumped in your liver, or it gets turned to fat. Which sounds like a step backwards if you're trying to lose weight! So keep the sugar intake low. Go for Maple syrup or honey as sweeteners if you need a little sweetness...I get it, I have those sweet cravings too. But, minimize the amount. 1 to maybe 2 Tsp at the most!

Consumption of Carbohydrates should be between 10% to 35% of daily calories for those maintaining healthy levels. Those dealing with diagnosis…discuss a customized nutrition plan with your doctor or health coach!

  • Proteins. These guys are essential for LIFE. Proteins provide structure for our tissue, support our immune system, assist in creating hormones, assist little ones to grow, and work as enzymes in breaking down and scattering all the goods you ingest from your stomach to your small intestines. We never even say thank you to these guys, and sometimes (or a lot of times) we torture them by what we consume. Amino Acids are so important in the realm of proteins. While our bodies produce 11 of the 20 amino acids that are essential for optimal health, we need to obtain 9 more from outside sources, aka food! There are so many different types of proteins to consume in order to get our fill. Which is perfect, because not one person eats exactly the same as another! Just make sure you ARE getting enough protein no matter what lifestyle you choose…

Grains (per 1 cup): Quinoa (8g), Whole Wheat Pasta (7g), Oats (6g), Brown Rice (5g). Nuts (per ounce): Peanuts (7g), Brazil Nuts (4g), Pistachios (6g), Almonds (6g), Walnuts (4g) Legumes (per 1/2 cup): Lentils (9g), Garbanzo Beans(7g), Adzuki Beans (8g), Black Beans (8g), Navy Beans (7g) Veggies (per 1 cup): Green Peas (8g), Potatoes (4g), Broccoli (3g), Mushrooms (2g). Seitan: 3 oz (20g) Soy (per 1/2 cup): Tempah (15g), Soy Beans (15g), Natto (15g), Tofu (10g), Edamame (9g). Seeds (per 1 ounce): Hemp (9g), Pumpkin (5g), Chia (5g), Sesame (5g) Meats (per 1 oz): Pork (8g), Beef (7g), Lamb (7g) Poultry (per 1 oz): Chicken (7g), Duck (5g), Turkey (5g). Shellfish (per 1 oz): Shrimp (7g), Mussels (7g), Scallops (6g), Lobster (5g), Crab (5g). Fish (per 1 oz): Snapper (7g), Swordfish (7g), Sardines (7g), Tilapia (7g), Salmon (6g), Halibut (6g), Mackerel (5g), Mahi-mahi (5g). Eggs: 1 whole eggs (7g), 1 egg white (3g) Dairy: 6 oz Greek Yogurt (17g), 1 oz Parmesan Cheese (11g), 8 oz Milk (8g), 1 oz Swiss cheese (8g), 1 oz Cheddar (7g), 1 oz Blue Cheese (6g), 1 oz Goat Cheese (6g), 1 oz Feta Cheese (4g)

Decide on a lifestyle that works for you and your family. Do you eat animal meat? Do you eat any animal protein at all? Will you be Vegan, Lacto vegetarian, ovo vegetarian, lacto ovo vegetarian, omnivore, or plant based? So many to choose from, and that is a beautiful thing because we, as humans, change our style of eating throughout our lives all the time! And that is wonderful! The only thing to be mindful in selecting proteins is to eat organic produce, purchase grass fed, pasture raised animal products, and KNOW where your protein comes from. It is after all going into your body and creating your internal structure…invest the time in knowing what you are eating.

Consumption of Proteins should be between 45% to 65% of daily Calories.

  • Fats. Most people think Fat is a bad thing. But, Fat needs credit, when credit is due. We aren’t talking about Fat found in a box of Oreo’s. This is amazing high quality Fat, that we need to eat MORE of! Good Fats help reduce the risk of Chronic Diseases, supports Brain Development, cushions and protects our organs, assists in absorbing our fat soluble vitamins, and is a key in our hormone synthesis. Fats can be Monosaturated (MUFA’s), Polyunsaturated (PUFA’s), Saturated, or Trans Fat. As you guessed it, only one of these can lead to higher risk of heart disease and other health issues: Trans Fat. These are found in processed foods (like those Oreo’s), baked goods, margarine, frozen foods, and fried foods. So, just stay as far away from these as much as you can! As for the others, eat in moderation.

    MonoSaturated: Support Good Cholesterol (HDL) Lower Bad cholesterol (LDL). Liquid at room temperature, and are synthesized inside our bodies. Examples: Avocado, Vegetable Oil, Nuts, and Seeds Polyunsaturated: Reduce inflammation, support heart health, reduce symptoms of depression, and reduce the risk of cancer. Liquid at room temperature and not synthesized in the body. These carry the Omega’s: 3 and 6. We need lots of 3, and very little of 6, and yet in our American Diets, we have reversed those, causing higher rates of inflammation leading to more chronic illnesses. Examples: Omega 3: (EPA/DHA) Salmon, Mackerel, Tuna; (ALA) Walnuts, Flaxseeds, Canola Oil, Eggs, Chia Seeds; Omega 6: Safflower Oil, Corn Oil, Nuts, Seeds, Soy Saturated: Solid at room temperature. These are mainly found in animal based foods. Limit these Fats to 10% or even lower in your daily calories. Examples: Fatty Meats, Dairy, Lard, Tropical Oils (Coconut, Palm, Cocoa)

    Consumed Fats should be between 20% to 35% of daily Calories. (Highest source of energy)

Little But Packs a Big Punch

Good things come in small packages. And, in this case, very small packages. Micronutrients are just that; tiny, microscopic vitamins and minerals that help our bodies stay in balance (that fancy word “homeostasis “). We have all been told by more than one ad that we need to “boost our vitamin intake”, or “make sure to take your multivitamins “. But how on earth will you ever know what vitamins or minerals you are deficient in or if you are high in toxicity levels? The best thing you can do to check your levels is to have your doctor prescribe a blood panel. Have your doctor read over the results with you to find out if you are deficient or in the red zone of toxicity. Work with your doctor to ease in supplements, change your diet, or discuss other options. Supplements are just that…not a lifetime sentence to having to take a pill every day. Some may stay on supplements for a short period of time, some may go the course for quite a while. Some may choose to completely switch up their nutrition, realizing that the food they typically eat is destroying their interior foundation. Everyone is different to how they approach micros, but just make sure that you KNOW if you are at the optimum levels in vitamins and minerals.

  • Vitamins: There are two different kinds of vitamins that are broken down in our bodies. The first is called: Fat Soluble. These vitamins get absorbed into our bodies tissues, and you guessed it, they need fat in order to be absorbed. (Vitamins: A, D, E, K) The second kind of vitamins are called: Water Soluble. These vitamins dissolve in water, and are less likely to cause toxicity due to the fact that our body can eliminate it by liquid extraction (ie. urination or sweat). (Vitamins: C, Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic Acid (B5), Pyrodoxine (B6), Biotin (B7), Folate, B12). Each vitamin serves a very important purpose in the web of our systems. I will gladly elaborate more on vitamins in a later post for those that would like to geek out with me.

  • Minerals: These guys are amazing when they are leveled up to the accurate counts. They assist in creating a sturdy and strong structure of bones in our bodies, as well as supporting our heart in staying healthy. We have three different types of minerals needed in order to maintain our health to the best degree…

    Macro: Calcium, Chloride, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Sulfer Trace: (smaller amounts needed) Iodine, Iron, Selenium, Zinc Ultra Trace: (even smaller amounts needed) Boron, Cobalt, Nickel

Even though vitamins and minerals are so small you need a microscope to see them, they provide such an immense amount of support to our internal systems. When we lack these, or when we go way above the limit, our bodies and minds suffer. Be sure you are eating a variety of veggies, fruit, and whole grains (and yes, meat for our meat eaters!) Be sure they are the best quality food because YOU DESERVE IT, and your family deserves it. If you stick with a healthy plan of nutrition, then you are less likely to have to utilize supplements, take prescriptions, or even go into surgery.

Hopefully I gave you some decent cliffs notes to the world of Macros and Micros, and why both, together, are so important for us to be in the best state of health. Don’t become obsessive over measuring your food or lining your medicine cabinet with vitamin supplements. Fill your fridge and countertops with a huge variety of veggies, fruits, and whole grains that you can gobble up throughout the day to assure that you are getting the right amount of micros and macros. Chances are, if you are eating the RIGHT macros, your micros will be perfectly content, and you will more than likely feel more satisfied than ever. Pile more veggies on your plate, less junk food, and enjoy experimenting in your kitchen. (No microscope needed.)