The Mental Mom

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The Elephant’s Shadow

Quite frankly, I don’t understand why we give Elephants such a bad wrap. They are some of the strongest and most majestic creatures to walk this Earth. What many may not know, however, is that they are some of the most emotionally connected animals to what they are feeling. So, I guess in a sense, I do understand why the statement goes, “The Elephant in the room.” Emotionally, we know what is wrong, and what needs to be called out…we are just not aggressive or assertive enough to say anything. I get that! Protecting another’s feelings; preventing harsh after affects; even the internal battle of emotional anguish of what can happen to YOU if you call it out. So, what if I were to say your Elephant is casting quite a shadow…and not a physical one.


Look…having a family with little ones is definitely a stressor on time, mental health, physical health, and your overall well being! Which is why you NEED to take care of yourself! Call out that “Elephant” ASAP! Knowing that you are slacking off, not being prepared, eating like crap, sitting on the couch instead of moving your body are all simple examples of what could be a trouble spot for some. The point is, whatever the issue is, OWN IT! Accept that, “yep, this is my doing”, and change it!

Now, why am I getting all coach preachy right now… Well, if you are a parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent (pretty much anyone who is in contact with kids), your “shadow” is growing daily into the BIG Elephant that they follow…YOU! Imagine if you will, you are 6 years old. Everything that makes your life exciting and entertaining is stripped away from you. No school, no gym class, no soccer, no baseball. Then to boot, everyone looks like they are going into surgery, and your hands are so dry they could crack and bleed because mom and dad keep making you wash your hands. WTH?!!! You notice mom and dad are on edge, grandma and grandpa are on edge…there is not one adult that is able to calm your nerves because they are scared too! Pretty soon you see mom become a couch potato, dad too. They don’t go for runs anymore, the gyms are all closed. “Family time” has turned into T.V. night, then to T.V. day. Mom doesn’t spend much time cooking anymore, dinner usually comes from a box, breakfast too, and mind as well through lunch out there as well. Fruits have pretty much become non existent in the house, applesauce pouches are the closest you get to an apple. Well, if mom and dad think it’s ok, I guess I’m good…

Do you see how large and how dangerous our shadow can be? Accepting difficult situations, and CHOOSING how you will react to them is crucial when you have little eyes on you! This pandemic has hit so many very hard. Not disregarding that, but what did you do as the BEST course of action, for you and your family, in reaction to it? I’m not going to say how you should have or how anyone else did as a great example. YOU know. Call it out if you’re unhappy about that choice…and change it! Now! Not tomorrow, or next week. Stop waiting for the perfect coach, or the right book or podcast to hear. YOU know what is best for you and your family…do it!

I’m Calling It

Anyone else irritated of just hearing the same stats and info over and over again on the news?! (Insert raised hand here!) I’m not saying it’s not important info…but, if I wanted to know stats, I would look it up on the internet when I needed it. I don’t need it every hour on the hour. What I would love to hear is an “expert” discuss preventative care for everyone that is sitting helpless at home, trying to figure out how to protect ourselves and strengthen ourselves to go into battle, in case we need to. And this is not just for COVID-19…I’m talking about for all illnesses and diseases. There are so many conspiracy theories out there that can go over why not ONE SINGLE EXPERT is calling out the ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM!! Not one expert will discuss PREVENTATIVE CARE in media interviews. Not one will bring up any BACKGROUND statistics that have lead to how sick we already have been…PRE- Covid. How we should be taking WAY better care of ourselves to battle any disease or outbreak. And yet, still NOT ONE! Sadly, so many of these experts know the answers in how to help, but FEAR has stolen their humanity.

I’m not saying healthy individuals can’t get sick…that would be amazing! But, when you do get sick, it’s the difference of having gloves on in the boxing ring and going in hands exposed. I’ll take the gloves please! Understanding our bodies and minds in a whole essence is so so important, especially in today’s world. So many still walk around unaware that they carry chronic diseases or cancers. Why? Because, we haven’t opened our minds to preventative care. We don’t even look at the ingredients we eat! Do you know what half of those ingredients are on the back of that cereal box you feed your kids every morning? Well, a few of them are actually banned from the rest of the world…except America. And don’t get me started on how much money Big food companies spend to keep lethal foods on our grocery store shelves…at those amounts, we could be sheltering homeless, sending more money to education, and the list goes on. But, don’t let the FACTS get in the way of the OPINION of these food companies that want nothing but money. Have you ever seen a grain grow out of the ground looking like a fruit loop? Didn’t think so. The biggest issue is that A LOT of those we trust are funded by these companies, which is why you will never hear a statement of assistance in the prevention realm.

Should I be eating a more Whole Foods diet to increase vitamins, nutrients, and to create a strong gut?

Should I be exercising more in order to expand my lung capacity?

Should I be spending more time outdoors to increase Vitamin D intake or just to have nature heal my mental status?

Should I be taking supplements to assist my health in general?

These are the questions that should be regularly discussed on the news right now. There is new Information regarding preventative health coming out every day, but all we hear about is the harsh symptoms AFTER you are diagnosed. I am at a loss…and I’m calling it out! We are all responsible for our own individual health. And for us with little ones, it is even more important to take this health crisis into our own hands.

Nurturing The Calf

Now more than ever, our kids our looking to us for comfort and guidance. Don’t hide any of the information from them. This is a serious pandemic, and who knows when we will have leash on it? The biggest thing for me would have to be, STAY ON TOP OF HOME HEALTH! What do I mean by that? What you eat is HUGE right now. Try to stick to Whole Foods. Lots of veggies, fruits, whole grains, some animal proteins if your family chooses. Food is your medicine right now. You need all the GOOD food to build a strong and protective shield against any possible invaders like Covid.

Fact: Shopping the outside perimeter of the store is where your healthiest foods will be.

False: Shopping the middle aisle is more convenient and cheaper. May be cheaper now, but when you get diagnosed with a chronic illness or another disease, you will balance out the pay in medical expenses.

Fact: Health food store are for “granolas”. You’re damn right! But, anyone who cares about their well being is considered a “granola”, so please be part of that community!

False: Your genetics say your are destined for chronic illness, cancer, or other disease. You may have a higher risk, but that shouldn’t give you fear. That should be your motivation to take the ULTIMATE care of yourself and your family…change the pattern! Be the one who said “NOPE, Not up in here!”

Fact: Everyone can exercise! Even a 30 minute walk everyday gets your blood flowing…better yet, get the entire family up to go for a sunrise or sunset walk everyday!

False: There is an age or exact body type to be in competitions! Bro…my husband started training for Iron Man when he was 45…and he is killing it! I also know a woman who began to run when she was 51, and became an alternate for the Olympics in three years. Not saying become an Olympian or a tri-athlete…but you’ll never know if you don’t try.

These are just some fun facts and falsities that swarm around non stop it seems. The truth is, you and your family are only as strong and protected as you “train” to be. Living is a marathon. You have to train every day to live to your full optimal self.

While everyone has some time on their hands, and we are all cozying up with our families for a bit longer, let’s size up our Elephants, and check on our shadows. Are we truly nurturing ourselves and our families? Or, are we living according to someone else's OPINION about HOW we should care for and protect our families health? That’s the hidden truth.

REALIZE. ACCEPT. DO. YOU are in control of your own body, mind, and health. No one else. If you take care of the Elephant, the shadow will always follow.