The Key
We all have that drawer in our house. You know the one I’m talking about. The mosh pit of unnamed keys that just keep multiplying. You have no idea what they are for, which key hole to even start testing them in. But, there they sit for years and years, collecting dust, making your drawer smell like damp metal.
I’m not saying your internal systems smell like damp metal, nor are they literally collecting dust. But, it’s quite an interesting parallel when you think about how we treat our own health. So many obstacles are thrown at us at any given time, only to have us throw our health into a “drawer” to be forgotten. That is until our “healthy” body has locked us out (i.e. heart attack, autoimmune disease, etc.) causing us to frantically search for THE key to getting better. Making us feel as though the key has been thrown out.
Not to be such a downer, but some actually give up on finding the correct key. Some are willing to forego living a better, healthier life. Jamming the opening to a more successful life with a broken key. A broken idea of what is good vs. bad for their health, and their families health. A distorted idea of handing over their health (the keys) to a person they see once a year, or only when they are extremely ill, not knowing what is being put in their bodies on a daily basis. It is only they alone that posses the power to find the correct key for their overall health, and their families health.
Let the sorting begin…internally for you, that is.
How much do you really know about your own body?
How does it function?
How does it break down certain foods?
Are you sensitive to certain foods?
Do you get sick when you eat certain foods?
Do you exercise regularly?
Are your bones strong?
Are your muscles weak?
What blood type are you?
What vitamins do you need as supplements?
Do you need supplements?
These are just a few questions to get you thinking. But, if you don’t know the answers to these SIMPLE questions, you have some sorting to do. Understanding your body structure and functionality is going to be the first key in your health journey. If you don’t understand how your body works, no doctor will fully understand your complications. It would be similar to a blindfolded race car driver. (They know the track really well, but what good is that when an unknown obstacle appears in front of them? The car is going to hit it!) Take notes when you notice your body reacting to foods or environments. Journal your exercises and your nutrition intake. Bring these in to your doctor and discuss your options, tests, and other opportunities to help you on your way to sorting out your “issues”.
Jiggle It, Just A Little Bit
Maybe you are not quite sure about going through with hundreds of blood tests. Totally understandable! Why not do a little at a time, or go slowly. Discuss all of your options with your doctor. Should you commit to a complete cleanse? Should you go through with a blood panel? Should you just test your hormone levels? Perhaps just switching to a healthier nutrition plan? There are so many “baby step options” you can, and should, discuss with your doctor. We live in such a beautiful age of holistic medicine. Doctors are learning more about their patients daily lives more than ever now. And that is an amazing thing that we all need to be taking the ultimate advantage of! So, don’t be afraid, nothing is going to overwhelm you when you approach your health in baby steps.
Being surrounded by falsifying ads constantly about health can be so exhausting. That is why finding they key that works, for just you, is so important. For some, going cold turkey on certain habits works. For others, a little at a time is what is best. When your body has gotten comfortable with a substance, it can be shocking, and can devastatingly backfire on an individual when they cut it out in one swoop. Poor eating habits can be tough to kick, just like smoking or drinking. At times, it can be worse! Slow and steady. Just don’t quit, keep trying!
Turning The Key
You figured it out! You found the key that fits into your journey of understanding your health! Now what?! If you haven’t discussed it with your doctor already, do so! YOU have to be bold enough to turn that key, to be able to say. “Okay, I’m ready to feel my best, and give myself my best!” It is such an empowering sensation…I can’t even describe it! Turn that key baby! You will discover how much stronger you can be!
Starting out for myself, I initially was terrified. So many blood tests! I had to be on a complete cleanse for 12 weeks! But, I felt as though I finally had the ultimate say in how I was going to pursue MY health, how I was going to live, and I was in charge of how I felt mentally and physically. YOU should be in charge of your own health; of your own life! Never let the intense power of marketing take control of your choices! The bottom line for corporations and their marketing is more money for them, not your overall health!
Opening The Door
The minute you open the door to understanding your own health, everything from the inside out will feel more vibrant than ever! Energy levels will increase. Focus and attention will be massively improved. Even your general attitude will reflect more life into everything around you. Those around you will experience the best version of you. And, when you have stepped through the threshold and sorted your space, you can begin to help others find their perfectly fitted key! It then becomes a trickle affect.
So many parents realize that their habits have passed down to their children. When a parent begins to sort out the issues in the home, they typically sort out the issues affiliated amongst their children as well. Making it a healthier and safer environment for the entire family, creates a higher success rate in the home. There is no age to young to discuss healthy choices! I discuss the harmful effects that food can have with my own children. Yes, my kids still have candy, chips, and other junk food items…but in moderation. However, they are well aware of the difference between “C.R.A.P.” food (chemicals, refined, artificial, preservatives) and healthy food. Plus, if you eat crap, you feel like crap. And yes, it is a “bad word” no matter how you look at it! Educate your kiddos as early as you can! They are sponges, and you will be amazed at how much they actual take with them into their daily lives!
So, they Key? Well, I can’t tell you. Only you can find the Key to your own health. What works for you, and what doesn’t. But, THE key is to never give up, to at least try, and to be bold enough to turn that key and give yourself the opportunity at least to open the door. What’s the worst that could happen? You may just live a full and healthy life!!