The Mental Mom

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Top 5 Inflammatory Foods You Need To Ditch For Good

Sometimes we have to manage food just like we manage relationships. Some foods get along with us great, and some we need to avoid at all costs! (I mean, come on! IYKYK 😂) Certain foods can do extreme damage to our bodies from systemic dysfunction to skin rashes and visible symptoms.
These foods are called
Inflammatory Foods,
they serve absolutely no nutritional purpose in any individual’s diet.

How Do I Know If It’s Inflammatory For Me?

Oh boy…here comes the long list of symptoms! Just kidding, I’m not here to stress anyone out! However there are certain symptoms that you shouldn’t ignore. Many times individuals have been dealing with certain symptoms for so long, not realizing it could be what they are eating that is triggering those symptoms. So, what are some of the most common symptoms of inflammatory responses (meaning your body is reacting to foods you consumed)?

  • Digestive Issues: Bloating, Gas, Diarrhea, Constipation, Abdominal Pain

  • Skin Rashes: Acne, Rashes, Eczema, Psoriasis

  • Joint & Muscle Pain: Arthritis, Muscle Aches (not the same as soreness)

  • Respiratory Issues: Asthma, Allergic Reactions

  • Neurological & Mood Issues: Fatigue, Mood Swings, Headaches, Migraines

  • Autoimmunity Flare Ups: Symptoms Increase From Rooted Autoimmune Disease

Top 5 Inflammatory Foods

  1. Dairy: Any Cow Dairy or Dairy Containing Casein or Lactose

  2. Gluten: Breads, Baked Goods, Dressings, Beverages

  3. Sugar: Cane Sugar, Sodas, Juices, Any Ingredient Ending In -OSE

  4. Ultra Processed Foods: Products that come in a package, Products that contain more than 5 ingredients (This includes Seed Oils)

  5. Prescriptions & Substances: Prescriptions Drugs alter the chemical functionality of your body very similar to how Alcohol and Narcotics do

Sometimes it seems so impossible to achieve a healthy and regulated lifestyle with the millions of temptations that surround us. These 5 items I have listed are extremely difficult to remove from one’s daily nutrition… I ain’t gonna lie. The corporations and industries that have overwhelmed our bodies and minds with these ingredients want you to crave them, so you can continue to buy them. $$$$

And just food for thought:
If you do continue to consume inflammatory foods, the industry that provides those prescriptions and substances will have the ability to make millions off of your illness and disease. But, if you remove those inflammatory foods, and begin adapting to a healthier lifestyle, you can prevent (or even reverse) illness and disease, and save yourself thousands in prescriptions, doctor visits, and possibly hospital stays! (I’ll take the latter of those two please!)

Let’s ditch those inflammatory foods!
We don’t need them!