The Mental Mom

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Strawberry Crumble

Spring is Berry Season! And man does my family go crazy for Berries! I can only explain all the amazing nutrients and beneficial properties in them to my kids so many time before I get the eye roll… but they do know that they are not only tasty, but really good for your health! So adding them into all sorts of dishes upgrades the health benefits of that dish in front of you, plus is gives it a natural sweetness! Nature’s Candy!

Make this recipe with my Easy Homemade Granola!

This Makes About 6 Servings


6 Cups of Fresh Strawberries (Frozen also works-bake 5-10 minutes longer)

4 TBSP Honey or Maple Syrup

2 TBSP Gluten Free Flour (Arrowroot or Tapioca also work)

The How To

Turn on Oven To 360 Degrees.

Wash, Pat Dry, and Cut Strawberries into halves or quarters depending on size.

Place Cut Strawberries, Honey, and Flour in a 9 inch baking pan. (If not using a ceramic coated pan, grease pan with coconut oil before adding ingredients.)

Mix All Ingredients Until Strawberries Are All Coated Evenly.

Top Berry Mixture With My Easy Homemade Granola, and Spread Out Evenly On Top Of Berries.

Bake For 35-40 Minutes, or Until Berry Mixture is Bubbly and Granola is Golden Brown.

Let Cool and Serve Warm or Room Temperature.

**Try This Recipe With Any Of Your Favorite Berries, or Try A Mixed Berry Crumble!