5 Tips For Building A Healthy Back To School Bed Time Routine

The transition from Summer Mode back to School Mode can be torturous for the entire household. (Especially the parents-am I right?) It’s almost like an extreme case of jet lag…for the entire first month back! In hope’s of giving your household a sense of hope for a smoother transition, check out these 5 tips to get everyone set and ready for the first bell of the school year!

1. Start Training Early When Possible:

One week before school begins set the alarm clocks 15 minutes earlier every day leading into the start day. It’s somewhat like weaning off of a certain food or drug. If you go cold turkey, there will be a higher potential for mood or behavioral reactions…aka there will be some grouchy and not so nice attitudes being released from the depths of your family members! Make sure you wake up early enough to during the school year to check off the “to do list”, as well as give yourself some “mental wake up” time before the chaos initiates.

2. Build A Healthy Timed Schedule:

Be strict with yourself and your household when it comes to prioritizing sleep. Sometimes this can be tough due to sports or other activities that keep us up past a healthy bed time. But, for a majority of the time: Get in bed at the same time every night. Turn off the lights at the same time every night. Set the alarm clock to wake up at the same time every morning.

3. Set The Mood For Bed Time:

Create a docking station in the main living area for all family members to plug in their devices at least 1 hour (optimally 2 hours) before going to bed. Get in the habit of having all members of the household read or work on non stressful activities (like crossword puzzles) 15-30 minutes before turning off the beside lamp. Set A/C to a cool temperature to keep body comfortable (body temperature naturally rises while asleep) while sleeping. Turn off all bright lights (LED and main lights) throughout the house as the sun sets to regulate sleep hormone (sleep hormone is regulated by light).

4. Stop “Doing You” 2 Hours Before Bed Time:

Okay…so still do you, but at least 2 hours (optimally 3 hours) before bed time stop performing strenuous exercise, and do not eat at least 2 hours before bed. Sleep actually begins before you close your eyes…well, at least the actually purpose of sleep begins a bit earlier than before we find that REM cycle. Exercising or eating close to bed time can actually keep you awake, or give you a lousy night of tossing and turning.

5. Create “To-Do List” For The Morning:

Begin the day with less stress and chaos. “Winging” your mornings during the school year is just a disaster waiting to blow up in your face! Before school begins, create a list of things that you need to do before the kids head off to school. Get your other family members in the same organization mind, and have them create their own “to-do lists”. Yes, actually delegate tasks to others! (If your child can wake up and brush their teeth on their own-they can make their own lunches and breakfast!) Give yourself 15-20 minutes of “quiet” in the morning, before you have to jump into others agendas. (“You time” gives your mind a chance to wake up and begin to focus.) Ensure you wake up early enough to get YOUR agenda done first.

At the end of the day…it is always about training and preparing the body for a transition, much like everything that happens in life. I know…we all wish summer can last forever (okay, parents don’t feel that way lol!) But, getting back into a good routine can set the entire household up for a successful first week back to school!


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