Regina Steele Regina Steele

Motherhood: The Most Underrated & Neglected Position In America

Let's explore how motherhood has been overlooked and undervalued in today’s society. But the truth is, we have the power to shape not only our families but the future of the world! Let’s reclaim our roles, support each other, and rise up together. From homesteading to entrepreneurship, moms are capable of amazing things!

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Mom Life: Navigating Society’s Expectations and Prescription Solutions

Let’s talk about juggling society’s expectations and the quick fixes offered by the healthcare system. We face immense pressure to be perfect, and it’s exhausting! Society tells us to be the perfect Pinterest mom while our healthcare system offers a pill for every problem. But there’s a better way to manage our busy lives.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Fun Summer Activities to Keep Your Kids Entertained and Engaged (& out of the house!)

We all know how challenging it can be to keep them entertained and engaged without breaking the bank. But worry not! I’ve compiled a list of creative, cost-effective outdoor activities that are perfect for kids aged 5-17. These activities will not only keep them busy but also stimulate their creativity and help them use those brain muscles even when school’s out.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Boob-Free and Fabulous: My Journey to Holistic Breast Explantation

Let's get real here, I thought implants were a great idea once upon a time... But fast forward to dealing with chronic back, shoulder, and rib pain - I realized there's more to this story. So, let me take you on a journey through my dive into holistic breast explantation and why it's been the right choice for me.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Embracing the Village: Why Moms Need a Tribe More Than Ever

While in many countries, new moms are surrounded by support, American mothers often find themselves solo in the maze of motherhood. From navigating sleepless nights to the pressure of bouncing back, moms need a village to lean on, to share laughs, and to lift each other up.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

The Best Gift A Mom Can Give To Themself: A Break

As Moms, we're constantly juggling a million things—work, chores, errands, soccer practice, you name it. It's like we're running a marathon with no finish line in sight. But here's the truth bomb: you can't pour from an empty cup.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Letting Go of Micromanagement

Go from Control Freak to Liberated Parent!
Let's get real for a second. Being a wife and a mom is like juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle on a tightrope – exhilarating, terrifying, and occasionally resulting in a fiery disaster. But amidst the chaos, it's easy to forget about the real MVP in the equation: YOU!

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

A Little Help…Please

Here’s the deal…You chose to marry a person. “In goodness and in bad; In health and in sickness…” I think a new line should be added in: “In sustainability and in GROWTH!”

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

The Mom Limbo

Mom’s put everyone else’s needs ahead of their own. Leaving Mom’s extremely vulnerable to feeling stuck, alone, confused, and overwhelmed in the most critical years of their health and wellness lifespan. Let’s begin to tackle those battles together, but first let’s discuss what the Mom Limbo actually is.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Mom’s Expiration Date

According to our bodies and overall health, Motherhood has no expiration date. So, why does it seem our health care system has a “cut off” for Moms at 2 years postpartum? The time has come to help Moms after 2 years postpartum…let us begin, shall we!

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Fitting In My Piece

In the midst of life's bustling symphony, there's a quest for our unique puzzle piece. It's about summoning the courage to seamlessly integrate my fragment into the grand design.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Home Cooked

Cooking from home may be a bit overwhelming for many families, but adding an illness or chronic disease to the mix, packs on more stress to our loads than the meal prep we tend to skip every week.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

A Family Responsibility

I do have a crazy crew! Some times they drive me crazy. Sometimes they ground me. Sometimes we reach the finish line. Other times we steer off the path. Through all of it, we have become such a strong and bold family. So, how can other families benefit from our trial and errors?

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Shaping The Home

Actions DO speak louder than words…Our kids are very good at keeping us parents aware of that! So how do we help our kids learn how to take impactful actions?

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

The Most Important Role

What is your favorite part of being a parent? What is the hardest part of being a parent? Some basic questions we are asked as a parent. But, rarely do we get asked the most important question…What is your role as a parent?

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Summer Time

This picture contains my mindset for summer! The kids constantly planning things, and Mom and Dad laughing at the lunacy of all the chaos. Yup, it’s summer time, BUT Mom is still the coordinator. Let me share with you how I manage it all, keep the kids healthy, and still find time to do the things I like to do.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

It Takes A Village

As parents, we stress ourselves out over what are truly ridiculous things when it comes to raising our kiddos. Seldom do we ever think about their tiny little guts because of all the outside chaos. Here is a little peek into how we can help those tiny guts be strong and resilient.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Mama’s impact

We need to embrace the fact, that we are the impact that will create the ultimate ripple effect in those little people that we raise from conception.

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