Mom Life: Navigating Society’s Expectations and Prescription Solutions

Let's talk about something that's as common as a rogue Lego piece hiding in the carpet but far less amusing: the relentless pressure we face from society and the tempting quick fixes offered by our healthcare system.

Picture this: you're juggling a million things at once, from soccer practice to grocery shopping to keeping tiny humans alive. In the midst of this chaos, society whispers in our ears, telling us we need to be the perfect Pinterest mom, the CEO of our households, and still look like we just stepped off the cover of a magazine. Spoiler alert: it's exhausting, unrealistic, and downright laughable. And can we stop making Motherhood seem like a job that warrants a “hero title”…it doesn’t! It warrants RESPECT and some HELP! We are not the Virgin Mother…we did not conceive this child on our own, therefore we shouldn’t be raising it on our own! SO can the “IG Moms” stop making it seem like “it’s so easy” to look perfect, have the perfect kept house, and have beautifully groomed children…we know that ain’t real!

And then there's the healthcare system, armed with its arsenal of prescription happy pills, ready to offer us a chemical Band-Aid for every ailment. Feeling stressed? Pop a pill. Can't sleep? There's a pill for that too. Overwhelmed? Well, you get the idea. But let's be real here: downing a bottle of wine or relying on a pharmacy aisle to solve our problems isn't the answer. It’s almost as if they want to have Moms stuck on a continuous loop of relaxers, numbing mechanisms, and energy boosters! All ya have to do is stop putting so much dang pressure on Moms to accomplish 50,000 things throughout the day, and let us chill once in a while! That’s all!!!

So, what's a mom to do?

Fear not, because I'm here to tell you that there's a better way—a way that doesn't involve numbing ourselves into oblivion or striving for impossible standards of perfection. And, I’m not going to bombard you with 50,000 things for you to add to the to do list of your already chaotic day! It’s all about starting with the basics, and slowly adding in other healthy practices when you feel you can manage a little more. This is where you can begin:

First things first: let's talk about nutrition. No, I'm not going to tell you to survive on kale smoothies and quinoa (although those can be pretty tasty). Instead, let's focus on simple, practical changes you can make to fuel your body and mind. Swap out processed snacks for whole foods, drink plenty of water, and don't forget to treat yourself occasionally—because sanity is important too, and chocolate is a form of self-care, right? Don’t let influencers, SM posts, and all the other voices tell you otherwise…for a woman PROTEIN is the best weapon to keep our bodies healthy and strong. Followed by really good fats and some carbs. (I have a few other blogs that go into more detail about macronutrients, so I won’t bore you with it on repeat.)

Next up, exercise: I know, I know, finding time to exercise feels like Mission: Impossible when you're already stretched thin. But even just a brisk walk around the block (walks are my fave!) or a quick dance party (also guilty in my kitchen basically everyday!) in the living room can work wonders for your mood and energy levels. Bonus points if you can recruit your mini-me's to join in on the fun! And don’t get so hung up on having to do an exact amount of time or having to join a gym or program…but if that’s what makes you more committed, than go for it! (Plus, you may meet more awesome Moms at the gym-build your village. It’s a two for one!)

And let's not forget about sleep: I know it's easier said than done when you have a toddler who thinks 5am is the perfect time to start the day, but prioritizing sleep is crucial for your physical and mental well-being. Let the little ones climb into bed and relax with you. (Even my big kids still climb in for a snuggle sometimes.) Wind down the night by reading books with the kids, or everyone can read their own. Relax the lights in the house, have a cup of tea, banish screens from the bedrooms, get some black out curtains…I can go on and on with ideas. The point is to establish a relaxing bedtime routine—I promise, your future self will thank you.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "But what about those days when I feel like I'm barely holding it together? When I need more than just a pep talk and a green smoothie?" Well, my friend, that's where my upcoming book comes in. *Hint hint* It's packed with alternative approaches, practical tips, and a healthy dose of humor to help you navigate the ups and downs of mom life without losing your sanity. It’s simple, fun, and informative! It is in the works, and I am screaming from excitement! (Can you hear me? Haha) I have gathered all of my research and experience from the last decade in the integrative health world, and I am sharing it with all of you!!

So, here's to embracing our imperfect, messy, beautifully chaotic lives—and to finding strength in our vulnerability, humor in our struggles, and joy in the everyday moments. Because let's face it, we're all in this together, and together, we can rewrite the narrative of what it means to be a mom in today's world.
Stay tuned for more real talk, practical advice, and shameless plugs for my book coming soon!


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