Motherhood: The Most Underrated & Neglected Position In America

This topic has been weighing so heavy on my soul lately. As I continue to work on my book, help my clients, my family, and friends, and as I continue to see the statistics rise in the case of Moms being diagnosed with illnesses and disease, my frustration grows. I wish I could write my book faster, and hand it out to EVERY single Mom out there to give her a fighting chance! But, until that day comes, I hope my Blogs can give some support and guidance to all you amazing Moms out there doing your best. Today you won’t be reading the typical sarcastically humorous mama you usually hear. I wanted to speak to the core of any and every Mom that needs to hear how important YOU are! How important it is that we all embrace what Motherhood truly is, not just for our families, but for our society.

Moms Are The Foundation Of How A Society Grows & Functions

I know I don’t need to inform you Moms, that without any of us, our society would cease to exist! We create life, we nurture that life, and we raise that life to be a member of our society. Read that statement again! Now, tell me, what is more important than that in a society that is fighting to survive? And yes, we are fighting for survival-even though we aren’t being chased by wild beasts that might eat us for dinner. We have our modern day beasts that we have to protect ourselves and our families from-or we should be protecting our families from. (I’ll get to those beasts in a moment.)

In the beginning of human civilizations, Mother’s were the center of the tribe. They protected the homes while the men went to hunt (which no one seems to talk about!). They birthed babies, nurtured them, educated them, and taught them how to contribute to the tribe. They helped other Women in the tribe in raising their children. They prepared and cooked nourishing food. They were the nurses and doctors that healed those struck by illness. They prepared the deceased for burial. They continued traditions and passed down the stories of those that came before to the future generations. As civilizations began to advance with newer technology, and grew in population, Mothers still held their strong stature in those tribes and societies. While Mothers were not provided with a pay check or a job title, they were still revered as the most important asset to a tribe and society as a whole. But, sadly, that powerful position has been buried by greed and lust.

Not until modern time have we seem such a tremendous level of neglect and disrespect to our Mothers. It truly is heartbreaking. We live in a society of such an abundance of convenience and technological advances, and yet, Moms (and our world as a whole) is getting sicker and sicker. How? How have we as a society forgotten how important Mothers are? And now, we have generations of young adults that are opting to not have children. (Not that everyone needs to have kids, but the percentage of young adults that do not want to have children has increased 10 fold.) So I ask again, how has such a revered position in society been tossed to the side as if it is disposable and not important? How have Mothers turned into trophy dolls we watch dance on social media platforms? How have Mothers forgotten how to cook nourishing food for their families? How have Mothers become these medical experiments that live most of their lives doped up on anti depressants? And, most importantly, why has our society stopped celebrating those able and willing to choose being a stay at home Mom?

Without Support-Any Human Would Be Deflated & Feel Unworthy

If Moms weren’t taking the initiative, and going to bat for their health, and their families health, most of us would live an extremely miserable, and highly medicated life. It has taken a few amazing pioneer Moms to pave the way for the rest of us to find our way back to who we REALLY are: Mothers! It’s almost as if we need someone to slap us right across the face sometimes and say, “No job, career, or position you take will ever be more important or more powerful than who you are RIGHT NOW in this moment!” That doesn’t mean Moms can’t climb the corporate ladder, or own their own successful business…but, when we are crumbling to the exterior pressures that society puts on us, we need to remember what matters most. We don’t have to do everything (focus on career, be involved with community functions, go back to school to get that degree, and be a Mother) all at the same time. The society we live in DOES NOT support that lifestyle for a Mother. So, we have to take it upon ourselves to manage our own priorities…which, is absolutely wrong on every level!

In this modern society, girls are taught from a very young age that life as a girl is complicated, hard, and you will have to fight your way if you want to amount to anything. Seriously?! Who the heck made those thoughts a reality? Well, for starters, our government seems to think they can micro manage everything that happens in a girls life-from birth control to abortions. Tell me again why the government has anything to do with a girls sexuality? Or anyones sexuality? I’ve never heard of a politician that has studied politics, human anatomy, hormones, medicine, psychology, and health all together…that’s quite impressive. And I know I’ve mentioned this in another Blog, but have you seen and read any of the articles that the politicians and individuals that head the Health Departments in our country…I would never take advice from any of them! All are corrupt and have no business speaking about anything health related.

Our medical industry is just as poor at supporting Motherhood Health. Yes, our hospitals and doctors are amazing at fixing broken bones, emergency situations, and prescribing medications when necessary (but this one is overboard!). The medical advances for pregnancy and birth are amazing as well. However, when it comes to educating, empowering, and preventing health complications, they both fall short. In this modern society with all this new research and technology available, you would think that the US would have adapted their medical industry by now. But, no! We continue to use the same old methods-If a Mom goes to a doctor complaining of mood swings or feeling depressed, the doctor will more than likely prescribe an anti depressant. If a Mom discusses any form of rash or hair falling out at the doctors office, she will most likely be prescribed a steroid of some sort. These practices and treatments are decades old, and they may help temporarily, but they have proven time and time again to cause other side effects, and even cause other medical conditions to appear like autoimmune conditions or chronic illness. (By the way, the highest prescription handed out to women in the U.S. currently…hormone replacement therapy! I don’t doubt that many reading this blog are on some form of an HRT.)

No wonder Moms walk around feeling completely lost and powerless. We have forgotten all of those amazing skills that our grandmothers used to have-we have forgotten how powerful being a Mom is. We rely on the mercy of our government, medical institutions, and influencers to take care of us and our families…and they do a lousy job. Moms need to regain our confidence and empower ourselves once again. As corny as it may sound, we need to become the powerful Moms for the survival of our society. We need to trust that we can do a better job than our government, our doctors, and influencers at following our own intuition (our gut) when we find that something doesn’t seem right. Whether that be dealing with our health or our kids education. We, as Moms, have a deeper understanding and a deeper connection with our homes and communities. We need to be bold for the sake of our species.

Moms Are Capable Of Rising Up

I have seen the beaming light breaking through the grey a doom ridden cloudy skies. There are Moms out there that are taking matters into their own hands. After Covid, an enormous amount of Moms got fed up with all the BS…one could even say we all WOKE UP from the long slumber of just being drug along by the most corrupt idiots that ever lived! Communities of Moms began to pop up all over, from towns to social media, wanting to take back their strong positions in the home and society. From Homesteading Moms, to Moms bringing in ideas and enthusiasm to the work place, Moms started to make a comeback!

Especially during such an intense (and ridiculous) election year, Moms have begun to fight to take their positions back (without needing to use politics and strategies!) I have witnessed Moms showing up in schools to educate kids on life skills like cooking and sewing. Moms are going to work and showing their ideas to the boss that they have utilized in their homes, confident that it will absolutely work in the office. Moms have so much to offer, and they are FINALLY gaining back the confidence to share all of their amazing skills and experience. My hope is that this confidence will grow stronger and stronger…our society, and the future of our society depends on it!

** If you want to follow some of these amazing pioneer Moms, check them out below for some inspiration**

Influencers on Instagram:







The Wellness Mama -This is my go to!

Alex Clark

Well-Fed Women

Pioneering Today

**Also, be sure to subscribe to the weekly newsletter, if you haven’t already…I have updates on my book coming soon! My book is packed full of insights that will blow your mind, and a protocol that will set you on a path of true health!


The 411 On Kawasaki Disease (KD)


Mom Life: Navigating Society’s Expectations and Prescription Solutions