Embracing the Village: Why Moms Need a Tribe More Than Ever

Ahhhh the wild ride of Motherhood! Let’s discuss the importance of nurturing not just our little ones but also ourselves, with a big ol' dose of community love.

Picture this: you've just brought a tiny human into the world. Cue the sleepless nights, the endless diaper changes, and the constant worry if you're doing everything right. Now, imagine having a whole village of supportive folks cheering you on, ready to lend a hand whenever you need it. Sounds dreamy, right?Well, hold onto your yoga pants, because in many other countries, that's exactly what new moms get. From postpartum doulas to family members swooping in to help with cooking and cleaning, the support network is strong. (Without the sensation of guilt, or others making you feel as though you should be doing it all on your own!)

Meanwhile… here in America, we often find ourselves navigating the maze of motherhood solo, armed with just our smartphones and a Pinterest board full of parenting hacks.But why is that? Why do we seem to have turned motherhood into some kind of competitive sport rather than the sacred journey it's meant to be? Well, grab your latte, mama, because we're about to get real.

First off, let's acknowledge that being a mom is tough. Like, really tough. There's no handbook, no one-size-fits-all manual that tells you how to handle a toddler tantrum or a teething baby at 3 a.m. And yet, somehow, we're expected to have it all figured out.Now, add in the pressure to bounce back to our pre-baby bodies, to have Instagram-worthy homes, and to keep up with the latest parenting trends, and it's enough to make any mom feel like she's failing at every turn.

But here's the thing: motherhood isn't a competition. It's not about who can do it all, who has the most Pinterest-perfect life, or who can bounce back the fastest.No, motherhood is about love. It's about showing up for our kids, yes, but it's also about showing up for ourselves. It's about recognizing that we can't do it all alone, and that's okay. In fact, it's more than okay—it's necessary.So, how do we reclaim the sacred title of motherhood and create the village of support we so desperately need? Well, for starters, we need to let go of the idea that asking for help is a sign of weakness. It's not. It's a sign of strength. It takes a village, remember? With that village, Mom’s are less likely to become another statistic for the medical institutions…jamming anti depressants down our throats, or finding it necessary to drink alcohol to an excess just to manage the mental stress load. Nope…hitting the cross fit gym several times a week and crushing a new PR won’t help release that stress either. In fact, it will make your stress level increase, more than likely screw up your adrenals, and make you completely crack at some point. So what will help Mom’s lessen the stress load and find a more peaceful and fulfilling path in life while being a Mom?

Build a reliable community that will be happy to help you raise your growing family. It can be as small or as big a community that you need. Schedule someone to be with your kiddos at least one hour every day…yes, from the very beginning…so you can do you mama! Even if all you need is a two hour uninterrupted nap! Do it! Those that become part of your community will love stepping in and helping! So, let them! In other parts of the world, Mom’s are seen as sacred and one of the most important roles in their societies. They are raising the future generation. The more a village gathers around and helps that Mom raise that child with love, virtues, morals, and respect, the better off the world will be in the future. America has gone backwards somehow. Six weeks after giving birth a Mom in America is basically on her own for health care. There are very little, to no, health checks after that point, unless she makes it a point to go to the doctor on her own accord. If she is feeling exhausted or emotionally unstable, she is handed a prescription, and not informed of where she can find help to alleviate her stress…no extension to a bigger village to help her. It takes a Mom a few years, and a lot of money, to be told that she doesn’t need a prescription…just a change of diet, new practices of relaxation, a change of pace of exercise, and possibly temporary hormone replacement therapy. Like, as Mom’s, we totally have time and money to do that?!!!! (So, I guess it is up to Mom’s to change the BS norm of American society…of course, cause we don’t have a million other things to do!) But, if Mom’s can make that change, imagine how many generations that come along will benefit from all that amazing work!

Let’s start building our villages, even if you haven’t had kids yet…even better! Start now! Reach out to other moms in your community. Join a mommy-and-me group, sign up for a parenting class, or even just strike up a conversation with that mom at the playground. You'll be amazed at how much you have in common and how much you can learn from each other.And let's not forget about the dads, grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, and friends who are eager to lend a hand. They may not always know exactly what to do, but just having someone there to listen or to offer a shoulder to cry on can make all the difference.So, here's to embracing the village, to letting go of perfection, and to embracing the messy, beautiful journey of motherhood together. Because when we support each other, lift each other up, and laugh together through the chaos, that's when the real magic happens.

Mom…your doing awesome…let us help one another, and not be afraid to ask for help! Your job is sacred, and the most important one for any and all societies! Without you, there is no future!


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