Regina Steele Regina Steele

Parental responsibility

I take my JOB as a MOM very seriously. Their DAD take his JOB as a father very seriously. We are the first guides our children are ever exposed to in this world. Discussing and debating our evolving knowledge with them is the MOST important thing we can do as their parents so they can grow into introspective thinkers. NOT restricted and overpowered members of "the herd".

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Raising Health Advocates

Our kids’ health is in a rapid decline. As I have mentioned before, we now live in an era in which our kids have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. What can we do to reverse it?

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Let Them Talk

It’s okay to disagree with (most) of what your kids are trying to tell you. And sometimes tune it out. But, if we don’t give them space to be who they are, they will never discover who they are meant to be.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

all my soul

In order to love another with all your soul, you must first love yourself with all your soul. No, not the cute love yourself before you love another. This is an ugly cry kind of love.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

The Full Recipe

One can never be successful in making a solid loaf of bread by only using one ingredient and skipping steps along the way. The full recipe needs to be incorporated in order for a flavorful and textured loaf to be accomplished. Much like a family…

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Health In The Family

Picture your health as a rock stack. Now, picture your entire families health in a group of rock stacks. Would you want the stacks to be standing tall, or would you want them to be toppling over and really short. Well, that is what our lives are: A Stack Of Rocks. Without one rock, the stack can grow shorter, or topple over quite quickly. If we don’t create the proper balance in our stack we will collapse, impacting our family along the way down.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Our Kind Of Crazy

Many look at my household, and wonder how we stay such a close knit family with such an intense and demanding schedule. There is no magic. There is no one size fits all. We MAKE THE TIME to be together, make memories, and support one another in our goals. Going against “the norm”, and embracing your kind of crazy, will build such an amazing stable home for everyone!

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

The Silent Society

A “silent” society is a massive danger that may possibly lie ahead. It can crumble anything, and everything that we, as humans, absolutely need to survive. Empathy. Understanding. Compassion. Motivation. Love. These are just a few of the strong hold emotions that individuals need to hear, see, and feel. They cannot be provided by a piece of technology.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

REAL Parents

How can we expect our kids to understand emotions, communication, and love if we, as their parents, have difficulty setting the best example at home? It is time to set aside some time for some REAL parenting!

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Career SAHP: Stay At Home Parent

They wake up before most. They go to bed after all. They are a nurse, a coach, a chauffeur, a chef, an accountant, a manager, an event planner, a therapist, an engineer, a mechanic, a volunteer…to name a few. You guessed it: Stay at home parents. It’s not just Mom’s anymore, Dad’s are rocking the SAHP hats too.

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