Revitalize Your Morning Routine: Simple Swaps for a Fresh Start

Are you tired of feeling like your mornings are more chaotic than calm? Well, I've got some game-changing tips that will revolutionize your morning routine! I'm happy to share these simple yet effective swaps that will take your mornings from mundane to magical. These easy swaps will help you say goodbye to the rush and hello to feeling energized, focused, and ready to tackle whatever the day throws your way.

Are you ready to upgrade your mornings?

Swap a glass of water for an upgrade to a squeeze of half of a lemon in room temperature water. This wakes up your digestive system and starts getting things operating optimally.

Swap your cup of coffee or green tea for some awesome mushroom coffee like my favorite RYZE… They even give you an opportunity to do morning journal prompts that they send you automatically every morning! Knock out two rituals right there!

Swap out your chemically enhanced dairy creamer for some awesome mushroom-infused creamer that helps you focus, on top of being dairy-free so it is Easier on your digestive system! My favorite is Laird. Some days I use vanilla, some days I use unsweetened and add my homemade vanilla extract to add a little sweetness. Depends on how much sugar you’re trying to minimize.

Swap out your heavy lifting gym routine for a  brisk walk, Or  get your blood flowing with a yoga conditioning class (my current favorite)

Swap brushing your teeth right when you wake up, for a new oral hygiene technique like oil pulling, or my personal favorite - tongue scraping. I get a two-pack on Amazon every six months!

Instead of just rolling out of bed and doing the tired mom shuffle to the bathroom, stand up straight right when your feet hit the ground, stretch your arms towards the ceiling take a deep breath, exhale while bending at the hips, and try to grab your toes towards the ground, and repeat that 3 to 5 times.

Try laying in bed for 5 to 10 minutes - tell yourself three things you are looking forward to that day, along with a positive affirmation for yourself like: I am a chaos coordinator crusher!

Instead of sitting in a messy kitchen, or living room, while you enjoy your cup of warm Peacefulness, try bringing a chair outside, if the weather is nice, and enjoy those first few sun rays that peak through!

Don’t have time to do a full shower before you check out of the house for the thousands of errands you’re running, try doing a quick wash up with makeup eraser cloths. I get packs of six on Amazon, and they are amazing little cloths that you can wet and add some soap to, rinse off, and head out! No one will ever know you didn’t get that shower in!

*none of the products linked above are sponsored - I just love them :)


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