Fearless of the Unfamiliar

Being one of the army of Integrative Health Coaches makes me so thrilled and nervous at the same time. I mean, I would be the biggest liar if I stated that being an IHC is all rainbows and butterflies. Not that I want to sing you a sad song on the smallest violin, but, in today’s society of “health confusion” and the baby step attempts we are making in incorporating preventative care with our primary care, it’s a bit of a migraine to get anyone to take you seriously. Remember the first person to proclaim the earth was not flat? “Complete lunatic!” Einstein was a “mad scientist” in his discoveries. My how those claims were completely off the mark.

Trust me, I get it! Many of the integrative, holistic, and traditional approaches sound completely “witch doctor” or “hippie”, as terms they are so often called. However, many neglect the immense research and study that has produced an enormous amount of positive feedback. Some may argue that these practices are not 100% effective for all individuals. Well, of course not!!! Ever heard of a prescription medication that actually works the same exact way for every patient that takes it?! NO!!! Every person is completely different in their symptoms and reactions to treatment. What works for one, may not work for another. The results, however, are quite amazing in utilizing integrative practices in healing or even reversing certain illnesses. While they may not work for everyone, it is definitely worth trying it as an alternative.


In previous blogs I have discussed the exact functionality of an IHC, but who I become in your life is a completely different perspective. I have been through exactly what many of my patients are currently going through. I have experienced the fear, the confusion, the nasty symptoms that seem to never go away, and the anxiety of trying something completely unfamiliar. I become a calm and safe place for my patients to share everything they feel they need to in order to get themselves better. Being an IHC gives my patients the opportunity to discuss topics and ask for guidance in areas that they would typically not be comfortable talking to family, friends, and sometimes even their doctors about. The fact that I have had first hand experience with many (if not all) the practices of Integrative Care, it give me the ability to truly understand the hesitation many may have. I have experimented with so many practices and integrative treatments that I can offer multiple suggestions to individuals to try (safely) at home with the assistance of their general practitioner. (Most practitioners like us because we do the work that they often don’t have time for!) Many times I even wish that I had the assistance that I am providing when I was traveling down the mysterious rabbit hole of Integrative Care.


The beauty of the era we live in, is that there are many practitioners that have opened their practices to integrate alternative care. General practitioners have been working with Integrative Health Coaches, as well as incorporating and referring patients to naturopathic and functional practices. It truly is fascinating to be alive in a time in which two forms of science can begin to work together. There are even clinics that are diagnosis specific that collaborate with “healers” from all practices of the health world. The effort of becoming one unit in working together to prevent and treat is such an exciting moment that we are beginning to observe in our health care. It may not be part of our “official health care”, but if our practitioners keep the drive going in working alongside other healers in all walks of health care, we will be able to witness the development of one of the healthiest species on our planet. We just have to keep our minds open and be fearless in the face of the unfamiliar.

Do you have clinics that incorporate a variety of practitioners and healers? I encourage you to share your experiences and the information you receive with everyone that can benefit, and even those that may not think they would benefit. Tell your families, friends, and even share on social media.


The New Gear


Hey There, Nice Vagal Tone