Does The Question: “What Is Your Purpose?” Drive You Crazy Too?

Let’s talk about that infamous word: “purpose.” For some, it’s like a beacon of hope, guiding them on their journey of self-discovery. But for others (me raising my hand), it’s more like a trigger for a stress-induced meltdown. Seriously, anyone else feel like hitting the panic button when someone asks, “What’s your purpose?”

When that question comes up, my brain goes into overdrive. Do I give the textbook answer about being a super mom? Or do I channel my inner game show contestant and blurt out something about serving others like I'm on "Jeopardy!"? Life's already a rollercoaster—why do we need to answer a question that should just be: SURVIVAL? Let's break it down, shall we?

Lost in Word Wonderland

In today’s world, we love slapping fancy labels on everything. "Purpose" has become this mystical concept, thrown around by influencers, pastors, and life coaches like it's the secret ingredient to happiness. But seriously, do any of us really know what it means? Why can't we stick to simple definitions instead of turning everything into a word salad? Oxford Dictionary says purpose is "the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists." Simple, right? So why do we insist on turning it into a PhD thesis?

Let’s Call a Spade a Spade

Here’s the deal: We’re all here for a reason. Our purpose isn’t some grand cosmic mystery; it’s about survival and helping each other survive. We’re like a bunch of community-minded superheroes, using our abilities (yeah, let’s call them what they are—skills and talents) to make life a little less chaotic for everyone. So why complicate things with existential questions? It’s like that scene in Monty Python where they ask about favorite colors—totally irrelevant to the task at hand!

Life’s True North

If “purpose” is just a fancy way of saying we’re here to survive and help others do the same, then let’s own it. We're survivors, navigating through life’s crazy twists and turns. Sure, we may not be dodging dinosaurs anymore, but hey, modern life has its own set of challenges (hello, toddler tantrums and PTA politics).

And as moms? We’re the MVPs of survival. We’re not just shaping our own little worlds; we’re shaping the future of our communities. Our purpose? To survive and help our communities thrive. It’s not rocket science—it’s just life.

Mom’s Rulebook

So, here’s the scoop: You don’t need to “find” your purpose—it’s been with you all along. Before you were a mom, you were part of your community, and you still are. Your purpose? Survival and community support, plain and simple. (Ok-maybe not “simple” 😂)

Forget the fluff and fancy words. You’re already doing an amazing job, whether you realize it or not. So, keep doing your thing, mastering those skills, and kicking butt in your community. We’re all in this together, and we’re stronger because of it.

So, what are your superpowers? Let’s celebrate them, embrace them, and use them to make our communities—and ourselves—better every day. Because that, my friends, is what it’s all about.


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