Reignite Your Spark: Healing Through Soul Connection

Today, we're going to have a heart-to-heart chat because, well, let's face it – we're all human beings, and life isn't always sunshine and rainbows, right? So, grab a cozy blanket and your favorite cup of tea, and let's dive into the world of healing and rediscovering the vibrant, amazing you.

Where It All Began: Embrace Your Inner Child

Remember those glorious days of childhood when time seemed infinite, and your biggest concern was having fun with friends and diving headfirst into your passions? Those were the days when you were fully alive, just being yourself, not worrying about bills, chores, or responsibilities. Let's take a moment to reminisce about what made your heart sing back then.

Whether it was dancing, building Lego masterpieces, climbing trees, or daring lake jumps, we all had something that made us feel utterly ourselves – our passion. And guess what? That passion still resides deep within you!

Where We Began Our Neglect: Lost in the Hustle

Fast forward to adulthood, and we somehow managed to misplace those passions. We got wrapped up in the daily grind, labeled it "work," and let life's responsibilities take the front seat. School, jobs, and internships left little room to nurture our true passions, to the point where we lost ourselves. It's a universal tale – the distractions of life overpowering our passions, our souls, and our true purpose.

The Sick Soul: When Neglect Takes Its Toll

The consequences of this neglect begin to show as fatigue, hair loss, weight fluctuations, anxiety, and more. Doctors run countless tests and prescribe countless remedies, but something still feels off. What's missing from this puzzle is our soul, which has been silently crying out for attention.

Our souls are like neglected gardens, overrun with weeds. No amount of supplements or support can truly heal us until we reconnect with that childlike spark within us.

Fill The Soul, Heal The Body: Rediscover Your Magic

Taking five minutes to sit and meditate? Yeah, right! As moms, finding time for ourselves is as rare as a unicorn sighting. But here's a little secret: when you're already feeling unwell, your soul doesn't need five minutes – it's screaming at you! Instead of seeking answers within, look around you for signs from the universe.

Let me share my story – feeling unwell, battling anxiety and depression, I stumbled upon an old movie clip. My daughter's theater was going to put on a production of "Singing In The Rain," and memories of my own dancing days flooded back. It was a wake-up call from my soul, nudging me to revisit my true passion.

I finally had an epiphany while reading, “Transformational Healing” by Kirstin Carey & Anthony Dinobile. A quote in this book struck me to my core:

If there’s no sense of purpose, there’s no sense of Self. If there’s no sense of Self, the body doesn’t recognize you. When you aren’t recognized, the body becomes confused and scared, mistaking you as a threat. Which is often the trigger for an autoimmune attack, anxiety, depression, and illness.

I think my heart sank after I read this quote. My instant thought was, “I made myself sick!” Which was true. But as I really sat with it, it made me sad that I grew apart from my passion. Not being who I am, trying to follow the status quo, and neglecting that amazing dancer and choreographer stifled my poor soul. It diseased my soul, and it made me sick.

Healing The Soul To Live The Life You Were Supposed To Live

So, what's the key to healing? It begins with your soul. The symptoms and diagnoses are your body's way of saying, "Hey, something's not right." While lab reports and exams may reveal the physical issues, your soul, through emotions and intuition, tells you what's wrong deep inside.

Embrace the signs the universe sends your way. They come in the most unexpected forms, and how you interpret them is unique to your passion and purpose. Your passion is what sets you apart – it's your essence, your unique gift to the world.

Don't suppress your passion; instead, find ways to keep it alive. Ignite that spark and make time for what truly lights up your soul because it's not just about living a healthy, happy life for yourself; it's about sharing your amazing gifts with your family, your community, and the world.

So, let me ask you this: Can you recall your childhood passion? Are you being true to yourself?

Remember, your passion may not pay the bills, but it will give you a life worth living!

You're not alone, and together, we can reignite that spark and heal from within.💖


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