“The Sunshine Vitamin” Vitamin D

Above all the theories and opinions that have surfaced about covid this past year, one subject keeps finding it’s way into a sparse amount of articles and interviews…Vitamin D! For good reason too. Sadly, it has yet to make any headlines in relation to covid. No, I cannot for the life of me explain why. The fact that around 70% of people lack adequate amounts of Vitamin D, and it is the common trait found amongst a majority of covid patients, should sound some alarms! But, seldom do we hear from anyone in the media about the importance, especially right now, of supplementing with Vitamin D. Hopefully some of the information I provide can give you some insight into the importance, function, and necessity of Vitamin D. (is it the number one factor of severe covid cases?I have no clue, but it seems to be a very important factor that is being underplayed!)

The What

First, we need to discuss what Vitamin D actually is. It’s a hormone produced in the kidneys, not a vitamin, that is vital for our bodies to absorb calcium and phosphorus. It develops in our bodies mainly from exposure to the sun. Only 10% of Vitamin D production comes from the food we eat, so sun exposure is crucial. When we are exposed to sunlight, it absorbs into our skin, which then flows to our livers where it goes through a conversion process, and then released to the kidneys where it becomes the active form of the hormone in our bodies. Due to the lack of sun exposure (especially during winter-and for those that live farther from the equator…and an increase of tech entertainment), most individuals have become Vitamin D deficient. This is found not just in adults today, but also in children.

The Purpose

Vitamin D maintains our production levels of calcium and phosphorus, which assist us in building strong and healthy muscles and bones. Many experiments and research projects have slowed the diagnosis of rickets in children by using Vitamin D as a preventative and treatment. (Rickets causes growth retardation and bowed legs.)

Vitamin D prevents Osteoporosis and Osteomalacia in adults, and has been correlated in lowering the risk of Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Infectious Diseases, Hypertension, Heart Disease, and Cancers. It also reduces the risk of autoimmune diseases, heart attacks, peripheral vascular disease, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. (Vitamin D is crucial for insulin producing cells to stay stable.) Bonus: it also reduces the risk of early death by at least 7%.

Deficiency in Vitamin D can lead to a higher risk of infections and illnesses and cardiovascular complications. (This is why I find Vitamin D fascinating and vital in battling covid 19!) Deficiency can also lead to a slowing of the production of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and dopamine, which depletes the production of serotonin, leading to an increased risk of mood disorders.

One of the biggest risks we run in lacking vitamin D, is obesity. Obesity has become one of our largest epidemics in society that is hardly ever discussed. A deficiency in Vitamin D escalates the risk of obesity. And here’s an even more frightening development…there is a new term that has been coined in the medical field, “T.O.F.I.” (Thin Outside Fat Inside) Yes, even those that think because they LOOK healthy; they are healthy, in fact are obese, based on lab results taken. When you are obese, Vitamin D has a harder time converting to the active hormone because of excess fat. (Again, just because you physically look healthy, your insides could tell a different story.)

Keeping Efficient

Every tissue and cell in our bodies has a Vitamin D receptor! If Vitamin D served no major purpose, why do we have receptors for it all over our body? It becomes an active hormone in many major organs of our body; the kidneys, colon, breast, liver, and prostate. So, how do we know if we are producing enough Vitamin D? And, if not, how do we give it a boost?

Finding a doctor that can take the proper blood labs, and translate those labs to you, is the best way to know where your Vitamin D levels are; if you are deficient; and the amount you need to supplement if needed. (Especially if you are diagnosed with one of the illness listed above.) When seeking advice and labs from a doctor, it is wise to discuss with them what labs you are going to be going in for, and understanding what is efficient, and what is not. Be sure to discuss that they are taking a 25 hydroxy Vitamin D test. There are other labs out there, but this test will give the proper and adequate readings of Vitamin D levels in your blood. Reading the results, always look to see that your levels are between 30 ng/mL and 100ng/mL, but never below 30ng/mL. If it falls below that number, it is time to add in supplements, or discuss with your doctor if more sun exposure will work for your levels. Your doctor will guide you through amount of supplements you will need. This number may seem high at first, but once you balance out your levels, the units will decrease. Most adults require on average 2,000 units per day, and children require 400-1,000 units per day to maintain proper Vitamin D production. However, if you are obese, your supplements will be increased by two to three times more.

Another way to add in Vitamin D is incorporate it in your diet. Any Wild Caught Oily Fish are fantastic sources of Vitamin D and Omega 3’s (which many are also deficient in); Salmon, Mackerel, and Sardines are great sources, as well as Cod Liver Oil. Great quality Dairy products that are “spiked” with Vitamin D may also be a great additive, but be cautious if you have sensitivities, and/or are watching your sugar intake. And, of course, liquid or capsule supplements are abundant. I, myself, consume a liquid supplement to my daily routine. With all the options out there, one can easily find one that will work in their favor.


Some may be thinking that they are healthy, they eat a well rounded diet, that they don’t need to supplement with Vitamin D. That’s fantastic! Keep being healthy, but ease your mind and get your labs done once a year, with an emphasis on the 25 hydroxy Vitamin D lab. Vitamin D is such a potent and vital part of our overall health and body function. If you begin supplementing early you lessen the risk of high blood pressure, pre type 2 diabetes, and early death. Over 50 million teens are Vitamin D deficient, and that number increases every year with the use of technology rising for entertainment.

Of course, you could always spend more time in the sun. According to Michael Holick, PhD, MD, if you spend 5- 15 minutes 3-5 times a week in full sun exposure, with arms exposed, (highest sun point during the day) you increase your Vitamin D production tremendously. However, with the immense burn out of our protective ozone layer, it can be dangerous to be exposed any longer without skin protection less than 30 spf. This is why supplements are going to be your biggest assistant in bringing your levels up to a sufficient count.

So why hasn’t this been discussed more in mainstream media? I have no idea! But, hopefully I added a little more knowledge to your brain bank about this amazing and powerful “Hormone” called Vitamin D!


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