Seed Cycling

I am so excited to share this information. If you have ever had a conversation with me about sleep issues, hormone issues, or skin issues, you have heard me speak of SEED CYCLING! This was one of the first treatments that my doctor introduced me to when I first began my journey of discovering my imbalances. In conjunction with seed cycling, I practiced lunaception, which I will give you the cliffs notes for:


This is where you will begin to question my sanity (Yup, I’m the Mental Mom!) Hormonally, we as humans, should be in sync with the moon phases. Women should ovulate at the full moon, and menstruate at the new moon. Our hormones need to be connected to the flow of nature (no pun intended) in order to be relieved of emotional and physical pain. We destroy our cycles with chemicals found in processed foods, THE PILL, antibiotics, stress, prescription medications, the list goes on. Realigning our cycles will relieve destructive symptoms such as irregular or painful cycles, PCOS, hypothyroid, infertility, and others. Lunaception is an amazing practice that mimics the moon phases in your room as you sleep. Basically training your body to adjust to complete darkness for those days when we experience the New Moon, and subtle light for the Full Moon phase.

How does one practice Lunaception? Many practice in different ways, but I jumped right in, syncing with the full moon. Here’s what worked for me:

  • I slept in complete darkness in my bedroom up until the night before the scheduled Full Moon.

  • I turned on a night light in my bedroom the night before the Full Moon, the night of, and the night after.

  • Then I switched back to complete darkness. (If you need to, use an eye mask.)

I know this may sound completely nuts, but I have practiced it, and so have thousands of others, and we are all proof that it works. Ask a naturopath about Lunaception practice. Trust me, you will be so thankful.

Seed Cycling

Now that we have had the moon phase conversation (let it sink in), let’s discuss the star of this blog: SEEDS! The easiest way for me to break this down for you, is to just explain what I do in order to regulate my seed cycling.

I have a cheat sheet at my smoothie station and I have a moon app on my phone. (There are tons, but make sure you download one that has a calendar with the phases each day.) I like to have it handy every time I make a smoothie. My cheat sheet breaks down what seeds, and how much I am to consume during particular phases of the moon. (i.e. new moon to full moon = 2 tbsp of flax/chia and 2 tbsp of hemp per day). I throw them in a blender with my frozen fruit, my powder blends, and viola, seeds are ready to be consumed. I also take fish oil and primrose oil in particular phases of the cycle as well. When you discuss seed cycling with your doctor, they may suggest other supplements for you depending on your deficiencies. It is really simple.

The seeds rotate in order to manipulate the fatty acids, along with vitamins and minerals, creating normal hormone cycles. If your feeling “out of wack”, it’s because your vitamins, minerals, and Omega-3 fatty acids are “out of wack”. Time to balance them out!

During the heightened estrogen time of the cycle (Days 1-14 New Moon to Full Moon) Fish Oil, Flax, Chia, and Hemp Seeds assist in rebalancing the Fiber, Protein, Omega-3, and GLA. The heightened progesterone time of the cycle (Days 15-28 Full Moon to New Moon) needs assistance from GLA, Fish Oil, Sunflower, Sesame, and Pumpkin Seeds. These seeds provide an immense amount of minerals and essential fatty acids including iron, magnesium, zinc, and potassium. Men can follow the same outline in opposite rotation of women.

Discuss with your doctor the proper doses and supplements you may require. This may take up to one month to feel the proper affects. I actually felt a difference after two weeks.

The Why & Benefits

I am a major advocate for seed cycling. So many hormonal complications are subdued by horrible chemicals that only treat the symptoms, not the root cause. In seed cycling, men and women, can find a true relief and sense of understanding their bodies.

Seeds provide a huge source of fiber along with redirecting the balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. So many individuals intake an over abundance of Omega-6 fatty acids (found in processed foods), and lack Omega-3 fatty acids. This is where our chemicals shift. We begin to see mood swings, sleep complications, physical pain, thyroid complications, and much more destruction in our mind and body. Seeds, along with fish oil, restore the Omega-3 back into proper balance.

Seeds may be small, but they provide a strong punch. There are numerous vitamins and minerals sourced in seeds that assist the function and health of our minds and bodies.

If you suffer from painful and irregular cycles, mood swings, sleep complications, thyroid dysfunctions…why not try something that could end the pain forever? Why are you masking the root issue with prescriptions or over the counter meds? I encourage you to talk to a naturopath about lunaception and seed cycling. It is so easy, not expensive, and you WILL feel better!


The Gateway Drug: Sugar


Treats...Not A Daily Nutrition Plan