The Reformed Health Plan

***I am having a little fun today and writing this Blog as if I were addressing a room filled with Health Care Workers and politicians. Sometimes, envisioning speaking what I am passionate about, makes the words flow out easier, and more honestly.***

We live in an Acute Healthcare driven society today. Many do not understand their own health, and how their health contributes to society at large. Taking responsibility for your own health is the first step of many. You see, I put my Health as a top priority, because if I am sick, it effects everyone around me. This is the same reason why my families Health is my second priority. If they get sick, it effects not just them, but everyone that they have a daily impact on. I’m sure the same thought process goes for you as well. This is why today I am imploring everyone to place the discussion of Preventative Care at the front lines for our Health Care System. The least we, as humans, can ask, is that we DISCUSS making Preventative Care more dominant in our Health Care system.

Now, you may think it is completely insane that we push our highly practiced acute care to the back seat (it would still be part of the machine)…but, hear me out:

Pertaining to current events of Covid 19: 94% of those who died from Covid had a Co-Morbidity (suffering from chronic illness or disease before infected). Of those 94%, 78% had Obesity/Overweight. These are preventable illnesses, that eventually lead to chronic ailments, such as Type 2 Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and so on. Can you imagine if we were to place individuals through a Preventative Health Care system? We would be able to catch these devastating illnesses, and reverse the diagnosis in people before they had to survive on medications until they died. I am not against medications. Actually in some cases they are absolutely needed, but so many are on medications that are unnecessary.

131 million people in the U.S. alone take prescription medications. (of that number 66% of adults in America take prescription medications!) That has to make you throw a red flag!Are you kidding me?! We are either seriously sick as a nation, or we have this whole Health Care system thing wrong! OR BOTH! One did lead to the other.

Ok, I know it sounds like I am harping on the Acute medical field, but it really isn’t their fault. And we truly need every aspect of the medical field working together. The typical western medical doctor has on average about 16 hours of nutritional training (that’s if they go to a REALLY good school!). And how can they have more hours, when they have to learn all of the latest technology, and medications, and illnesses, and treatments already affiliated with their training? They can’t! They are amazing at what they can do, and so are Preventative Health Practitioners. Most, from both sides, are calling to work together. They all see a missing link. They are all scared of where our species is headed if we don’t start to understand our own SELF RESPONSIBILITY when it comes to our health.

With Preventative Care we can find the root cause of symptoms, and treat them to either reverse the diagnosis, or to improve the Health and Well Being of the individual. People would understand how their bodies work, how they function on different foods, how they need more vitamins, and so on. Holy Cow we would save so much money in Health Care at a national level, and families would save money by not having to pay for prescription medications!

If we were to push more incentives to be a Healthier Nation, and NOT a Medicated One, we would see a drastic change in culture and environment. Subsidies would go to food that is packed with Phytonutrients and antioxidants (Ya know, the stuff we need to survive as a species!) VEGGIES and FRUIT! Not this high inflammatory, weird spawned, genetically altered wheat, corn, and soy…which as it turns out isn’t for humans. About 80% of mono crop farmed wheat, corn, and soy go to our very unhealthy factory farmed cows. (And of course, those unhealthy cows are consumed by humans, and the cycle goes on…but that’s a discussion for another rant.) Oh and by the way…America is called “The Bread Basket of the World”, yet we have around 16 million kids in the U.S. that are hungry everyday…hmm, that’s odd!

So, as I come to the end of my “angry human rant”, I truly encourage everyone to discuss ideas in pursuing PREVENTATIVE CARE more dominantly in our Health Care System. This is about HUMAN JUSTICE, HUMAN RIGHTS, & HUMAN LIFE. Without respecting the root of our Health, Life as we know it will wither and cease to exist…and NO system will have ANY power.


The World of the Microbes


The Coach