Thyroid Disease

There have been numerous amounts of diagnosis in the past few years relating to Thyroid Disease. The problem is most of us are so confused as to what the diagnosis even means, and how it affects our health. Let’s take a look at this MAJORLY important butterfly shaped organ, that tends to be overlooked by many of us.

The Diagnosis

It is a startling and confusing moment when your doctor throws a long “sciency” term at you. First of all, what the heck just came out of their mouth, was that English? Second of all, what does that mean for my health? Do I need medication? Can I reverse the diagnosis? Will this cause damage to the rest of my body? There are hundreds of questions that zip through our minds at that very moment. Then, BOOM! You are given a name of a prescription you can start, or worse, you are given a list of prescriptions you can start. All of this before you can digest what just took place. And before you can even discuss alternatives, you’re out the door and off to the pharmacy. Sound about right?

I have been there. Lucky for me though, my doctor ditched the idea of prescriptions “right away”, and we both worked together on the alternative. We wanted to battle the unbalanced chemicals that were taking over my thyroid with PURE GOOD NUTRITION. That was two years ago. To this day, I still control my thyroid with…MY NUTRITION!! It’s amazing to find how much our nutrition impacts even the highest functioning organs in our systems. Thankfully with the advancements in science, psychology, and health care, there are multiple alternatives that are safer, longer lasting, and over all better for you than prescriptions. Never be afraid to speak up and ask for alternatives, or seek a different opinion…this is your life after all!

What Is Thyroid Disease?

There are quite a few types of Thyroid Disease. In a nutshell, they all contribute to an abnormality or dysfunction of the Thyroid Gland. Your Thyroid Gland is located in the base of your neck, and it looks just like a butterfly with its wings opened up (when there is no abnormality). Two of the most commonly diagnosed are Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism. I was blessed with the diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism. (Yes, I call it a blessing because it made me wake up and realize the damage I was inflicting on my body via terrible nutrition.) Lets’s check out these two:

  1. Hypothyroidism : The condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. Results in fatigue, cold sensitivity, constipation, dry skin, and unexplained weight gain. ( “Hashimoto’s” disease)

  2. Hyperthyroidism: The condition in which the the thyroid gland is overproducing hormones through the thyroid. Results in unexpected weight loss, rapid or irregular heartbeat, sweating, and irritability. (“Grave’s” disease)

Both of these diagnosis are directly responsible for the imbalance of hormones in our “chemical makeup”. These are altered mostly by the nutrition we give, or don’t give, our body. This is why it is crucial to understand what foods your body can and cannot intake (sensitivities and allergies). It is also critical to know what nutrients your body has too much of, or way too little of. All of these factors should be tested and discussed with your doctor. Some may have intense results that may need to be controlled by a prescription, some results can be controlled by diet alterations. The more severe the findings, the more severe the treatment will be in order to get your hormones under control. In either case, one needs to take immediate action in reestablishing the adequate hormone levels for over all health…mentally and physically.

A diagnosis of Thyroid Disease can be quite daunting, but fear not! It is manageable. The diagnosis is your bodies way of telling you that your hormones are way off, and that is why your body is physically and mentally throwing you the white flag of surrender! Your thyroid is in control of the speed in which your body functions and energy placement throughout your entire body. Even your body heat is controlled by your Thyroid. If your Thyroid is dysfunctional or abnormal, a lot can go wrong! Have your doctor take a Thyroid Panel Hormone test if your feel there is something wrong. You don’t have to wait for something to break down in order to check up on your internal gears!!

Cause of Thyroid Disease

There is never a one size fits all when it comes to diagnosing any disease, and Thyroid Disease is no different. A deficiency in vitamins or minerals, inflammation of thyroid due to a virus or bacteria, lumps/nodules inside a thyroid, cancerous tumors on the gland, specific medical treatments (radiation, surgery, or medications), sometimes genetics, and my personal complication…autoimmune disease, all can contribute to the diagnosis of Thyroid Disease. None of these are ever “wonderful” news to hear, but some of them can, and should, wake us up a little bit! Taking care of our own health, and making sure everything on the inside is balanced, will carry over into our lifestyle. The diagnosis of Thyroid Disease is not a death sentence, at least it should never be meant to feel that way! If you do feel that way, I highly encourage you to get a second opinion, or just fire your doctor. They are supposed to help us heal and feel better, not prepare us for death…that is an undertakers job!!


The symptoms suck! There, I said it. My trigger was my depressive state that was constantly lingering! (Along with an erratic heart beat, lack of sleep, and body temperature fluctuation) I knew my hormones were off, but I had no idea where they were “flowing” from, and how unbalanced they were. So many people go through their days having symptoms, and not knowing what is causing them. They think it is just age, a stressful situation, or some other daily occurrence that is defined as “normal”. I’ve listed some of the symptoms above for Hypo/Hyperthyroidism. Those are some of the commonly found symptoms for those diagnosed with the disease. Some symptoms can be visual like swelling of the throat, lumps around the thyroid, and even a lump on the neck. If you have any of the symptoms, or a family member has any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor about getting a Thyroid Panel done. If they don’t think it is needed, find another doctor that will have it done. Finding the cause of your symptoms will prevent further damage in the long run. Or, just live with your symptoms and hope nothing bad comes of it. It is truly up to you to take control of your health, and your families health.


In some severe diagnosis radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery are highly recommended. A diagnosis of Thyroid disease can be treated by natural methods, or assist with other treatments, in a majority of todays doctors offices. It is refreshing to see so many doctors take on the new methods of healing our bodies from the root cause of the diagnosis. In my case, my doctor and I went over my lab results, discussed what they meant for me, and we created a plan together. I discovered my deficiencies and how I would either make up for them in nutrition or via supplements. We also discussed the “too much” aspect of my labs, and ruled out the foods I would keep away from. It was truly experimental, but something I could put into “attack mode” beginning that very moment, so it was quite empowering! The most important thing for me was to keep to the plan. It was a struggle at times, but so worth it. If you put in the work, the results will amaze you. If you cut corners and “cheat” a lot, you may have to discuss further, and sometimes more severe treatment. It is up to you as an individual.

The first step in treatment should be to find the underlying cause. The second is to take action…immediately! Don’t wait to “see what happens”. Do It!!! So many times we think “it is too hard” or “that won’t work for me”. News flash…it’s not hard at all, it’s about creating new habits, and breaking the old ones you have. And here’s the worst truth to hear: you’re not that special…unless you are part of the rare 1% of people who are medical mysteries. You are human like all of us, and your body works just like the rest of us! Excuses will only get you so far, until you have a severe complication. Done with the “Hard Love”. If you don’t take action in your own health, it will deteriorate quite rapidly.


We are seeing a surge in preventative care lately. And, I love it!!! You should too. It means less time taken away from life and work from illnesses, less time spent at the doctors office, and less money spent in the long run on battling illnesses, diseases, and surgeries. Woohoo! For so long we have relied on doctors to diagnose us within the fifteen minutes we visit with them. We would then just take the medicine or prescription they gave us, no questions asked. But now, we have the opportunity to actually discuss symptoms, results, and daily lifestyle with some amazing doctors. In these discussions we can find the root cause of most symptoms, and if we don’t find them, we are guided through tests and results. If you don’t have a doctor that is willing to do all these steps with you, I encourage you to find one. There are many well educated doctors that are evolving with medicine today. However, it also require some effort on our part.

On the home front, make sure you are eating food that will sustain life, not deter it. I can’t tell you what to eat or what to supplement…that is a discussion to have with your doctor. But, I will tell you that there are an over abundant amount of processed foods that many live off of. I can confidently tell you that those will never enhance your health, they will take away from it. We live in a world that is slowly adopting healthier eating habits. The best nutrition you will ever get is from eating Whole Foods. It is as simple as that. Vegetables and fruit are your friends. A box of Chips Ahoy, not so much. I get especially disturbed by the nutrition, or lack of nutrition, we are feeding our kids based off of convenience. If it comes in a small bag marked “100 Calories”, that doesn’t mean it is healthy food. I never even look at calories. You shouldn’t have to if you are eating “proper” food!

Changing the thought process of “convenient eating” is a great place to start. Is it really convenient to go through a drive thru, when you could have packed a bag of lunch or snacks within 5 minutes at home? It will either be 5 minutes now, or a lifetime battling immune disorders, diseases, or even cancers in the future. Preparing food should be just as important as preparing clothes, paperwork, and your appearance for the day. Better yet, take one day a week, and prepare food for the week if your schedule is hectic. So much prevention is in the food we eat and our habits of eating. You can start at home, right now, with eating healthier. If you look in your fridge or pantry and don’t see a speck of veggies or fruit, that may be a good place to start. Next time you’re at the store or farmers market, fill up on only veggies and fruit. Cut up and chop them when you get home, and place them in bags or containers. Boom, your ready for the week, and it is conveniently ready to grab and go! These are your natural preventative medicine that you can stock up on all the time, without any harsh side effects.

The Round Up

There are some severe cases of Thyroid Disease that need the guidance of a doctor, and perhaps some intense therapy treatments. For the majority of diagnosis, it is treatable and manageable. Seek multiple opinions if you are not satisfied with the diagnosis or treatment plan, but don’t hold off on taking action. YOU can prevent the diagnosis, and YOU can alter the symptoms for the better at home while waiting for the executive plan from your doctor. Take the Thyroid Panel test if you are recommended, and even if you are not. Preventing the diagnosis is just as important as treating it. So, know your hormone levels. Knowledge is going to give you the shield you need when going in to battle, or in preventing, Thyroid Disease.

I get it, some are still very hesitant when it comes to “changing how we look at health care”. It’s something new, and just like I said before, “it is too hard” or “that won’t work for me” mentality is very stubborn in our minds. I have even been told that “it’s cool you’re into that kind of thing, but it’s just not for me.” My only response I can give is that my health isn’t just a “thing”. It is the incentive for all things I do. My health, and your health should be the utmost importance EVERY DAY, otherwise we DIE! Sorry to be so cutthroat, but that will be the end result if you don’t care. And saying “it’s not for you”, is making the very bold statement that you don’t care.

Medicine and health care are evolving, just like everything else in the world. Our bodies are evolving! Sometimes it can be overwhelming and completely confusing, but we have to try. If we just sit back, and robotically go through motions that are dictated by a stranger, that doesn’t know our daily habits, eating patterns, or stress levels, how are we ever going to truly understand why we are in pain, or feeling so “off”. Finding the root cause needs to be top priority. Don’t just mask it until another symptom shows up, or other complications get involved.

Shoot me an email if you have any questions, or want to know a little more about my personal plan of attack with my diagnosis. But, remember, everyone’s battle is different, so make sure you discuss all your symptoms, results, and plan of actions with your doctor before executing.


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