Thyroid Health
The abundance of Thyroid Disease diagnosis within the last few years shows hope for early detection. Yet it causes intense worry for many that don’t understand the diagnosis given. The Thyroid has such a powerful role in our overall health, and yet many don’t even know where it is, what it does, and how to keep it healthy. It is such a mighty controller in our bodies from managing hormone production to how well we sleep. It’s no wonder this tiny organ is getting so much attention.
Thyroid Location
The exact location of all organs in our bodies is with purpose. They aren’t just floating around, and say “hey, this spot looks cozy!” Everything has its proper place in our bodies systems. Think of our systems like a planned out map. In order to get to one destination, it must travel through multiple stops before reaching the final resting place. Much like our outside surroundings, when something is removed, or becomes blocked, our “vehicles” (aka cells and hormones) loose their way and sometimes never reach their destination. These back ups, or redirections, show up as symptoms. If these symptoms are ignored or masked (by pain relievers or other pharmaceutical relief), they become “disease”, and start deteriorating our entire body from the inside out.
So where is this tiny organ? The Thyroid is located in the front of our throat. It looks just like a butterfly, two inches long to be precise. Connecting two major communication highways in our body (the HPT Axis and the Gut Thyroid Axis via the Vagus Nerve) it’s no wonder that a breakdown in communication and an unhealthy gut can cause a malfunction in the Thyroid. The Thyroid is constantly working over time to make sure that hormone distribution throughout our body is consistently in balance, from our gut to our brain, and back down again. It’s as though it has a constant conveyor belt looping in order for it to discard or push through hormones. That is a ton of work for a little organ, especially when we don’t really try to help it out…I’ll share with you how to help your Thyroid a bit later.
Thyroid Purpose
As humans we are always trying to find the deeper meaning, the purpose, if you will, of our lives. The Thyroid has a purpose from the time it forms, until we come in and screw it up! Haha, I’m only joking, but not really. (We don’t purposely screw it up at least.) The S.A.D. diet (standard American diet) is not anything we should be proud of. We live in a country that only focus’ on fixing problems that already exist, so why would we care about what we eat?!!! (That is sarcasm, if you didn’t catch it!) Preventative health starts with what we put in our body…our food. Living in a country that prides themselves on fast food, and a mass variety of grab and go processed junk, is the biggest culprit as to why so many suffer autoimmune complications, obesity, and diabetes. Our Thyroid (in fact all organs, cells, and tissues in our body) are not meant to function on the “American way” of eating. Ever travel to Europe, eat breads and cheeses that you should not be eating, but feel completely fine…no side effects? There is a reason…food quality and portion control. (Granted, they won’t stop you from ordering 5 plates of cheese!) European countries control what ingredients are in their foods, including processed foods. They don’t allow terrible chemicals to be ingested by living beings on a daily basis. And, no company is allowed to market to children! Pretty remarkable! That’s not to say our S.A.D. diet isn’t infiltrating other countries. The rise of obesity and autoimmune diseases are intensely rising throughout the world. Follow the parallel in the opening of fast food chains from America and the selling of our processed products overseas with the rise in diagnosis…it will shock you. This is why our poor little Thyroid is screaming for help! The poison we feed our body eventually clogs our filtering system. It’s a harsh reality, but we can change it, if we commit to it!
Now I’m not saying that what we eat is the only reason for Thyroid malfunction. Genetics can play a role as well. A family history can put you at a higher risk for developing an autoimmune disease. That doesn’t mean you will be diagnosed with an autoimmune disease though. By managing your Thyroid, you can prevent turning those cells on. As with any predisposition of cancer or disease, prevention and early detection is key. You control your cells and your hormones. You have the power to leave them switched off, or you can switch them on.
Environmental Toxins are disrupting our endocrine system as well. Chemicals that leak from plastics, attach to the beverages and food we eat. Toxic chemicals that we use on our bodies to keep our skin beautiful, clean and soft, actually damage our skin and our endocrine system more than help it. Pollution, heavy metals, and other toxins that we are exposed to on a daily basis, all damage our Thyroid function. But, don’t fear, there are many things you can do to reverse the toxin damage, and even prevent it.
From the beginning of its creation, the Thyroid has been creating hormones that help regulate our bodies metabolism…in a nut shell, how we use up energy that we create be it from food, genetics, or environmental influences. It manages our immune function, any detoxification our body needs, how much we weigh, our sex hormones, whether we have high or low blood pressure, our tissue development, how energized we feel at any given moment, and how well we sleep. Quite a massive work load, don’t ya think? Do you see how imperative it is to help this little engine that could?
Thyroid Malfunction
Warning, we are going to have a little problem here! Do you ever hear that signal from your body? I bet you have, but my guess is perhaps you never would have guessed it could be your Thyroid sending you a red alert! These red alerts can actually be a sign of an autoimmune disease such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. These autoimmune diseases can lead to deeper discoveries of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Grave’s Disease, or Goiter.
Hyperthyroid: Too much thyroid hormone is produced. Many times discovered to be caused by Grave’s Disease. Symptoms Include: Weight Loss, Insomnia, Brain Fog, Difficulty Concentrating, Anxiety, Tremors, Bulging Eyes, and Heart Palpitations, and others
Hypothyroid: Not enough thyroid hormone is being produced. Main culprit is found to be Hashimoto’s or Goiter. Symptoms Include: Weight Gain, Hair Loss, Dry Skin, Brain Fog, Fatigue, Mood Swings, and others
*If you are experiencing any of these symptoms persistently for more than two weeks, talk to your doctor about running a Thyroid Panel.
Thyroid Health
This is the hopeful part. It is pretty scary going through the symptoms, the diagnosis, and the tests, but you know what, you can help your Thyroid! The best thing you can do for your thyroid is consistently monitor its health. How do you do that? Talk to your doctor at your yearly exam about running a Thyroid panel…YES, every year! Don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions! Many doctors want to help you. Those that want to just give you one prescription after another, should have no place in your health journey. Sometimes prescriptions are necessary, but only as a last resort. Have your doctor read your lab results with you, and ask every question you have. You should leave your doctor appointment knowing more about your health than your doctor does. Running labs is crucial, but running the correct ones is equally as important. Labs to discuss with your doctor: Reverse T3, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), T4, Thyroid Antibodies. Without the proper labs, accurate diagnosis may be missed.
The most important ally is early detection. If you can spot a malfunction early, you can nip it right away! Does that mean you will be cured right away…no. It all comes down to your commitment to your health, and determination of staying healthy.
There are quite a few ways to help out your Thyroid Health at home, that doesn’t cost you a lot of money. Here are a few hacks that you can put into action starting right now:
Eat the Right Type and the Right Amount of Carbs: Too many carbs overfeed your gut bacteria and worsen your dysbiosis, too little and you may worsen your symptoms. What will help: Make carbs about 20%-25% of your diet. Swap processed flours and sugars with veggies, fruits, and whole grains. Make Whole Foods your only Carb source.
Eat Your Minerals: Feed your Thyroid plenty of Iodine and Selenium. What will help: Incorporate Iodine into your nutrition 1-2 times a week by eating sea vegetables. Eat 2 Brazil nuts a day or some chia seeds to your smoothies to add in Selenium. Add in mushrooms to soups or salads for Iodine. Eat your fish (especially salmon) and red meat for Iodine as well.
Eat Your Cruciferous Veggies: These guys contain a good amount of Iodine, Especially when steamed. (For those with sensitive digestive tracts make sure you cook these veggies.) What will help: Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower, Kale, and Collard Greens. These are phenomenal to include when cooked.
Don’t Fear Fermented Foods: These foods assist the intestinal flora in transitioning to bacteria that is supreme for gut health. What will help: Kefir, Kimchi, and Sauerkraut are all great sources of fermented foods. But, a little goes a long way! Just 1-2 TBSP of fermented food is a good daily serving.
In Moderation, Fat is your Friend: Good fats, like Omega 3’s, are excellent for managing autoimmune diseases and reducing inflammation. What will help: Flaxseeds, Walnuts, and wild caught fish are great sources for Omega 3’s.
Some other hacks that you can incorporate into your daily habits:
Crowd out Gluten and Dairy.
Avoid endocrine disruptors like chlorine, plastic containers, pesticides, and nonorganic sunscreen.
Buy beauty and skin products that are toxin free.
Invest in a quality air filter for your home, in every room even.
Avoid foods with heavy metals like cereals, wheat, and certain fish.
Be consistent with exercise.
Calm your mind (read my Blog Nice Vagal Tone for ideas).
Prioritize Sleep.
My hope is to give everyone enough information to motivate you to get ahead of a complication that will worsen if ignored. The Thyroid has become one of the most powerful organs to me. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, luckily right before it got really bad. It deteriorated my gut wall, destroyed my stomach acidity levels, and opened the flood gate for parasites and pathogens to thrive inside my gut! I suffered sever mood swings, fatigue, brain fog, and itchy dry skin. If I hadn’t thrown my attention to what my Thyroid was trying to tell me, who knows what kind of health I would be in today. I am currently on year 3 of this battle to reverse my diagnosis. It is extremely hard, especially living in the society we all face every day…but I am learning more about my body every day, and I am way too determined to quit. My health is worth the battle.
If you think you have Thyroid malfunction, I encourage you to seek the help of your general, naturopathic, or functional practitioner. Don’t let those warnings signals go unheard!