How Much Is Too Much? Watch The Portion Size

The obsession of “calorie counting”, “measuring portions”, and “weighing food” has taken our society by storm.

Between the “nutrition plans”, “specialists”, and “fad diets”, understandably, many individuals are lost on how much food to consume! It’s a bit overwhelming when experts come in and try to break down some sort scientific table of portions, measurements, and weights. So let’s make this simple…my favorite!

Properly Sized Food

This may sound odd, but have you ever compared the size of a chicken breast from the 80’s to now? It is completely insane to see a chicken breast double (and some are triple) in size! Even the size of pre-packaged food has dramatically increased in size (not that I want anyone to consume those!) Yes, it is due to drugs and antibiotics being injected into animals, but it is also big food industries increasing the actual portion size in all their products. For instance: cereal boxes have increased by at least 20% since the 80’s, but the actual portion size on the nutrition label has stayed the same. Why is that? It’s simple psychology. If the box of the overall product is bigger, the consumer will naturally eat bigger portions because they think there is more product, so it will last longer. (No one goes by the “per serving” portion!) But, in reality, the consumer goes through the product faster, which benefits the company because you return to buy more products.

The best way to navigate the proper sizing of food is to stay away from ultra-processed foods, buy local or from the farmer’s market, grow your own food, or buy organic.

Even comparing organic produce to conventional produce, you will see quite a size difference (and that should make us pause).

Portion Control

Understanding the “normal” size of the food we purchase is the first step in locking in on “how much food should I eat?” The nest step to discuss and break down is not only how much goes on our plate, but how big our plate is. It’s not just food that has increased in size, the actual serving plates and utensils have grown as well. If we were to look at a kitchen in the 50s, we would see that the depth of the cupboards is quite a bit more narrow than our monster-sized kitchen cabinets of today…not to mention the amount of cabinets and cupboards we have in our kitchens today! The reason for the width increase is the increase in plate sizes within the last few decades. In a 50’s kitchen, the average size plate is 8 inches. Today, the average plate in an American kitchen is 12”. While that may not sound like a big difference to some, that is equivalent to two extra servings of animal protein, or one and a half cups of extra veggies or carbs…and that is spread out flat on the plate, not piled up (which is typical of American servings). It’s even worse when we eat out! Knowing this makes it pretty obvious as to why Americans tend to overeat.

The best way to get the portions under control is to utilize 8 inch plates at home, pile veggies, keep animal proteins and fats “flat” portions (not piled), pre portion out snacks, only eat until 80% full.

What Really Matters

Portion control has very little to do with counting or weighing. What really matters is the quality and quantity of the food on the properly proportionate plate. Farm animals eat from troughs, and humans are a bit more sophisticated, which is why we can use plates and utensils. However, if we continue to allow food industries to make our lives more convenient (and in doing so our portion sizes go up), we will begin to look more and more like our animals on the Farm. (Eating off of plates big enough and piled enough to look like a trough). Have you seen a pig eat? They eat like they will never have food again: fast, erratic, and until the food is gone. I love pigs, they are super cute, but humans are not pigs.

We need to slow down, chew our food properly, and stop eating when we feel slightly full. These actions truly help our bodies digest and break down all the nutrients we need from food.

So, instead of becoming a farm animal (haha), try these instead: 8” plates, properly sized foods, eliminate ultra-processed foods, minimize eating outside the home, and slow down while eating! It’s simple and effective!


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