Alternative Therapy: Hot or Cold
We live in a society that continuously hurls information at us. No matter where we are, we are being informed about all sorts of things…I mean this is a Blog to inform about Hot and Cold Therapy! While the amount of information we CHOOSE (yes, we make the choice) to consume on a daily basis can be overwhelming, it can actually be pretty dang cool! Now here is where I caution many to be very studious as to WHERE they are gathering information; “what is the source of your knowledge"?” Cause if the knowledge you gain comes strictly from social media trends, you’re already in the danger zone. Do proper research through validated and highly respected resources.
Before I dive into the difference of Hot and Cold Therapy, who it benefits, and what the actual benefits are, I want to make something very clear. We are each, individually responsible for our own health and vitality. We need to be proactive in our own health by seeking the proper care that we individually need. Yes, we all need to have labs done every year! Those labs may be basic, or unique to our own health. Working with a specialist or practitioners that can assist us with our unique needs is extremely important. In the curiosity to try out an alternative therapy, it is the utmost importance that you know your health inside and out! In understanding what the body is capable of, and what the body needs, one can utilize the therapy that would best benefit them. For instance: My husband is a triathlete and has a completely different body composition than I do. He can tolerate Cold Therapy, which assists him in recovery, and increases his pain tolerance. Whereas, I require Heat, not Cold Therapy, to assist my body to heal my Thyroid and Autoimmune complications. Each of us is completely unique…So please, please, please, know and understand YOUR health before testing out the next trend.
If you have ever jumped in a cold body of water, than you have definitely felt that shock your body was hit with at first contact! Your breathing gets faster, your limbs become tingly and numb, and your face kinda freezes in place! Those are the typical responses that our bodies should instinctively display when jumping into cold water. Now, the reason why our body wants to respond this way is pretty awesome! And it is why Cold Therapy is becoming a new popular alternative therapy that so many are beginning to utilize.
Our bodies are pretty amazing in what they just know to do! In Cold Water Therapy (which includes things from ice plunges to splashing cold water on your face) our body instantly reacts to the cold sensation being thrust upon it. It is called “The Diving Reflex”. Even if you are just splashing cold water on your face, the nerve receptors in the nose and mouth send a signal to the brain that you are in water! Immediately after this signal is sent, the brain tells your body to move all your blood from your extremities to your chest and brain in order to conserve oxygen. (Hence, why the fingers and toes get cold pretty quick, along with everything else on the exterior of the body.) The body shows this by slowing down the heart rate, and raising the blood pressure. It becomes a massive trigger for the Sympathetic Nervous System to crank on, and cause a rush of adrenaline throughout the body, and making the blood vessels shrink up. The interior of the body becomes a furnace! So, when most think that the body “gets cold” with Cold Water Therapy, that is actually false! The body actually conserves more heat at the core due to the blood flow to the chest! Even though the exterior of the body is causing you to think the opposite! The popularity of cold plunges, especially amongst athletes, is for this underlying reason. It causes all swelling and inflammation to be cut off and reduced, as well as provide a rush of hormones that increase energy and pain tolerance! When the Sympathetic Nervous System cranks up, all the amazing benefits begin to kick in!
In the same respect, Cryotherapy, and other alternative cold therapies are beginning to show many of the same benefits that one would have with cold water therapy. The latest theory of these Cold Therapies: The anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of diseases can be assisted in combat with the treatment of Cold Therapy. In a nutshell: Cold Therapy can help individuals kick a diseases’ butt! There are many Cold Therapies that have become a popular area of research and study, and I am really geeked out to read up on those findings as they are published!
Ice Plunges, Cryotherapy, Sprays, Ice packs, Massages, Probes: (Spot Treat or Whole Body)
Reduces Inflammation and Swelling (Aids in Recovery & Aids in Increasing Norepinephrine)
Numbs Nerve Irritation-Pinched Nerves, Neuromas, Chronic Pain, Acute Injuries
Reduces Migraine Pain-Cools & Numbs Nerves in Neck Area
Helps Treat Mood Disorders-Creates Physiological Hormonal Response (Release of Adrenaline, Noradrenaline, and Endorphins)
Reduces Arthritic Pain-Helps Rehab Programs Be More Effective
May Help Treat Low Risk Tumors-Freeze Cancer Cells & Surround them with Ice Crystals
May Help Prevent Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease-Reduce Inflammatory and Oxidative Responses
Treats Atopic Dermatitis & Other Skin Conditions-Improves Antioxidant Levels in Blood & Simultaneously Reduces Inflammation
Improves Quality of Sleep
Aids in Better Focus
Improves Immune Response
Aids in Relief to Symptoms Caused by Autoimmune Diseases
This may all sound amazing…who wouldn’t want to give this a try? But, there are some that should definitely seek advise from their doctor before hitting the cold temperatures. If you have poorly controlled Blood Pressure, any major Heart or Lung Disease, Poor Circulation, Certain Thyroid Diseases, Allergies that are triggered by the cold, Neuropathy (Nerve Disease) in legs and/or feet, Diabetes (or any conditions that effect your nerves), Atrial Fibrillation, or Abnormal Heart Rhythms, Cold Therapy will possibly cause more damage to your overall health.
This alternative therapy is my cup of tea! There are three types of Heat Therapy that have been researched and utilized in many countries for decades, proving beneficial for many individuals: Local, Regional, and Whole Body. The most researched styles of Heat Therapy are Sauna Therapy and Infrared Light Therapy. Many may know that Finland is looked at consistently for examples and research due to the cultural popularity of Saunas throughout the entire country. The Finnish have proven through decades of use, that Sauna Therapy is highly effective in prevention and treatment of a variety of diseases. Many other countries throughout Asia and Europe have been utilizing Infrared Light Therapy as an alternative for a variety of diagnosis, and again, have returned with highly compelling evidence that Heat Therapy is extremely effective in prevention and treatment. One is not proven better than the other (yet!), but it is more distinguished based on personal preference. The idea to understand is that when the body sweats, it releases toxins; when the body temperature rises, the cells are able to regenerate or repair themselves, and it improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood throughout the body. This allows the body to heal faster and relieve pain.
Sauna Therapy is a passive Heat Therapy that warms the air temperature surrounding you. Traditional Finnish Saunas are dry, but some add in hot stones to pour water over to create a humid atmosphere. (There haven’t been studies that have found any difference between dry or wet…yet!) Either one will promote body sweat and a higher body temperature. This promotes the body to detoxify, as well as regenerate and repair cells that are damaged. The body becomes an actual bunson burner, burning up toxins and triggering energy (cellular reactivity) from the heat! Sitting in a Sauna for 5-20 minutes 2-3x per week provides a similar result to ones cardiovascular conditioning as it would with a mild exercise. (But, this is not meant to replace actual exercise!) The increase of the Heart Rate can jump from a baseline of 120 to 150 beats a minute based on ones heat tolerance, without even moving!
Safe & Beneficial for Those with Mild Heart Failure
Reduces Risk & Effects of High Blood Pressure, Cardiovascular Disease, Neurocognitive Diseases, Pulmonary Disease, Arthritis, Headache, Flu (Pneumonia)
Improves function of Circulatory, Cardiovascular, & Immune Systems
Assists in Modulation of Autonomic Nervous System
Lowers Blood Pressure
Reduces Pain Due to Musculoskeletal Disorders (Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, & Fibromyalgia)
Improves Headache Disorders
Provides Higher Protection of Epidermal (Outmost Skin) by Increasing Hydration-Helps Aid in Faster Recovery from Higher Amount of Water Loss & Skin PH Imbalances
As Opinion: Associated With Better Health in Relation to Quality of Life in Those That Utilize Saunas VS Those That Do Not
INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY is my personal go to alternative therapy. (Don’t worry…I won’t be biased!) Infrared Light Therapy heats the body without warming the air around you. (Say Whaa?) Yes, it actually works! Opposite a Sauna, Infrared Light warms the body from the inside. Much similar to standing in the sun. That warmth you feel radiating from standing in the sun is actually coming from the Infrared Light the sun is casting. The difference between the sun and Infrared Light Therapy is there is no damage from the UV light the sun also casts. This makes this Heat Therapy highly beneficial without the harsh side effects of standing in the sun! It penetrates reactivity below the skins surface, without disturbing the outmost part of the skin. (I think that’s pretty cool!) Plus, those that have a difficult time tolerating the heat from a Sauna, have a different option they can try! Infrared has very similar effects as sitting in a Sauna, without as much sweat! Here’s the sciency part of how Infrared Light Therapy Works…The cells in our body have these attachments called Photoreceptors. These guys help create metabolic events happen inside the body, for instance the process of creating of energy! These receptors absorb the Infrared Light, and get to work. Now, one of the things these receptors work on is the construction of Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide is so important for the body to have in order to relax the arteries, battle free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, prevent platelet clumping in vessels, and regulating blood pressure. Seems pretty important to have, especially since it helps the blood circulate (which allows vital nutrients and oxygen to be transported to damaged or injured tissues in the body)! It even helps restore healthier skin! This is also being researched in depth for a variety of cancer therapies, autoimmune diseases, and many other health dysfunctions.
Aids in Detoxification
Aids in Pain Relief
Reduces Muscle Tension
Aids in Relaxation
Improves Circulation
Aids in Weight Loss
Aids in Skin Purification
Lowers Side Effects of Diabetes
Boosts Immune System
Lowers Blood Pressure
Improves Cellular Regeneration, Repair, & Function
Heat Therapy may not fit the bill for some. And that’s ok…This is why the importance of understanding the level of health your body is at is so important. Those that have been diagnosed with, or are at risk for, Multiple Sclerosis, Heat Intolerance, Unstable Angina Pectoris, Recent Myocardial Infarction, Uncontrolled Hypertension, Ischemic/Decompensated Heart Failure, Severe Aortic Stenosis, Fever, Acute Infections, Inflammatory Conditions, Skin Abrasions & Urticaria, Orthostatic Hypotension, Severe Valvular Disease, Pregnant, or are trying to get pregnant need to consult a practitioner before attempting any Heat Therapy. It may cause a dramatic drop in blood pressure, in the cool down stage, that can cause further complications.
My concluding thought on Cold & Hot Therapy is that they can be so amazing and beneficial, if they can be utilized by YOU! I will repeat one last time: Knowing what YOUR body can tolerate, as well as what YOUR body needs, is going to be the best tool for YOU to discover which alternative therapy will be beneficial to YOUR health!
Following either Cold or Heat Therapy sessions: shower to rinse off any toxins that may have been released. No studies have been done on moving directly from Hot to Cold or vise versa on the state of toxins remaining on body after each session. Just be sure to rinse off after each session so the toxins do not reabsorb through the skin!
Know your Health before attempting any alternative therapy!
Research more on these topics on your own!
Don’t be afraid to try them once you feel confident that it will benefit YOU…cause it will!!!