Physical Wellness

Information on alternative health methods and practices, fitness, exercise routines, and body care tips for moms.

Where To Begin

  1. Morning Movement Ritual: Start your day with 10 minutes of stretching, yoga, or a quick walk to energize your body and boost circulation.

  2. Strength Training at Home: Use resistance bands or bodyweight exercises like squats and lunges for strength training without needing a gym.

  3. Take Mini Breaks: Integrate 5-minute movement breaks throughout the day to counteract sitting and improve mobility.

  4. Hydration Boost: Add a pinch of sea salt and a squeeze of lemon to your water for natural electrolytes and better hydration.

  5. Natural Sunlight: Get at least 15 minutes of natural sunlight daily to boost your vitamin D and improve your mood.

Regina Steele Regina Steele

Individualized Healthy Nutrition

It’s time to understand your own customized diet. Yo-yo dieting is a thing of the 90’s. Let’s walk through some steps to help you understand your body and what it needs, as well as discovering what it doesn’t want!

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

IHC’s Top 5 Healthy Habits to Claim

Switching to a Healthier Lifestyle can be quite an overwhelming process. Let’s talk about the top 5 an Integrative Health Coach can walk you through…or you can even try out on your own.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Thyroid Health

From its crucial role in hormone production to its influence on our sleep patterns, the thyroid gland is a silent powerhouse within our bodies. Yet, many remain unaware of its significance until faced with a diagnosis.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

The Gut Brain Relationship

In the last few decades, so much information has developed in the realm of what the science and health community call, “The Gut Brain Axis”. What exactly does that mean? And, why is it important to keep this connection healthy and strong? Let’s discuss, shall we…

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

The World of the Microbes

Microbes make up a world that we, as humans, cannot see with the naked eye. Nonetheless, they have a massive impact on our livelihood of survival. Going through a gut “fixer upper” myself, has taught me so much about this micro world. I hope some of this information can help you understand a little bit more about these tiny things.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

The Reformed Health Plan

We live in an Acute Healthcare driven society today. Many do not understand their own health, and how their health contributes to society at large. Taking responsibility for your own health is the first step of many…

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

The Coach

Many ask what Coaches do. Uncertain if we just upload positive posts to social media, or if we actually coach like a sports coach with a clip board. Hmmm…well, neither of those comes close. So, let’s discuss what me and my fellow Coaches ACTUALLY do!

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

The Elephant’s Shadow

We all have heard, “Call out the Elephant in the room”. But, the Elephant doesn’t just take up space in a room…it travels everywhere with you, and casts quite a shadow. Not the shadow you are thinking of, though. How do your problems affect little eyes, ears, and health?

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Let's Talk About Food BA-BY!

I love to eat. Better yet, I love the way food makes me feel, makes me think, and creates a connection between me and others. The only problem I have with food, is the overwhelming “outside advice” I am given on what to eat, and how to eat it. The truth is seldom told about REAL food. And when it it is discussed, it falls on deaf ears due to the takeover of the “American Convenient Diet” (ACD).

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Fuel To Burn

Calorie in - Calorie out is still very much prominent in the work out community. Many trainers and coaches encourage proper caloric intake and nutrition when individuals step into the world of physical fitness. While some trainers and coaches are well educated on proper nutrition, some clients and individuals testing that world on their own, are still confused about “proper nutrition” and caloric intake. Let’s dive a little deeper into the caloric world.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

The Key

There is no master key for every door. Sometimes we have to sort through dozens of keys to find the right fit. Diets are a waste of time. Choosing “one style” of eating is way too confusing. When you are living in a society with multiple doors to unlock, opening the drawer of thousands of keys to sort through is quite intimidating!! So what is the KEY to finding YOUR FEELING of success with your health?

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Thyroid Disease

There have been numerous amounts of diagnosis in the past few years relating to Thyroid Disease. The problem is most of us are so confused as to what the diagnosis even means, and how it affects our health. Let’s take a look at this MAJORLY important butterfly shaped organ, that tends to be overlooked by many of us.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Are You Lacking?

Having yourself tested for deficiencies is one of the most important things you can do to protect your internal “eco system”. Anything you lack can lead to numerous diseases, physical ailments, and emotional diagnosis. Deficiencies were such a massive wake up call to me when I began my journey into mental and physical well being. I hope it enlightens you as well.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

CBT: Perception vs. Reality

Growing up in our rapidly growing social media world, teenagers have increased stress, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. CBT: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is such a gentle technique that many therapists utilize in order to retrain the mind from “automatic response” filled with distorted perception, to a more analyzed thought out REALITY of a situation at hand.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

The Gateway Drug: Sugar

Finding yourself, or your kids, constantly craving sugar? Concerned about your family health history, and you don’t want to become another tally on the stats of your family tree? Does everyone in your family suffer from harsh sugar crashes? Learn more information about the sugar epidemic and find ideas on how to slowly decrease the sugar consumption in your house!

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Seed Cycling

Deficiencies of minerals and vitamins in our body chemistry can alter and affect our hormones. Our hormones control much more than you think. Sleep patterns, mood swings, skin, even mindset. Seed Cycling assists you in getting your hormones back on track.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Treats...Not A Daily Nutrition Plan

Ever think about why we call them treats? It’s because they were never meant to be part of our daily nutrition. Learning how to keep them as “treats” is going to assist your household with sugar control.

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Regina Steele Regina Steele

Trust Your Gut

We say it all the time, "Trust your gut." But, do you actually listen? Your gut is trying to tell you listen up!!

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