Motherhood & Home
Tips on balancing motherhood, self care, home care, and maintaining a healthy household.
Where To Start
Mindful Household Chores: Turn daily chores like folding laundry or washing dishes into mindfulness moments by focusing on the task without distractions.
Declutter One Space: Pick one small area (a drawer or shelf) each week to declutter and create a more peaceful home environment.
Involve Kids in Chores: Teach children simple tasks like setting the table or tidying toys to reduce your workload and foster responsibility.
Calm Corner: Create a small, peaceful space in your home with a chair, plant, and cozy blanket where you can take a break to relax for a few minutes.
Use Natural Cleaners: Swap out chemical cleaners for natural alternatives like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils to reduce toxins in your home.
A Family Responsibility
I do have a crazy crew! Some times they drive me crazy. Sometimes they ground me. Sometimes we reach the finish line. Other times we steer off the path. Through all of it, we have become such a strong and bold family. So, how can other families benefit from our trial and errors?
Shaping The Home
Actions DO speak louder than words…Our kids are very good at keeping us parents aware of that! So how do we help our kids learn how to take impactful actions?
The Most Important Role
What is your favorite part of being a parent? What is the hardest part of being a parent? Some basic questions we are asked as a parent. But, rarely do we get asked the most important question…What is your role as a parent?
Summer Time
This picture contains my mindset for summer! The kids constantly planning things, and Mom and Dad laughing at the lunacy of all the chaos. Yup, it’s summer time, BUT Mom is still the coordinator. Let me share with you how I manage it all, keep the kids healthy, and still find time to do the things I like to do.
It Takes A Village
As parents, we stress ourselves out over what are truly ridiculous things when it comes to raising our kiddos. Seldom do we ever think about their tiny little guts because of all the outside chaos. Here is a little peek into how we can help those tiny guts be strong and resilient.
Mama’s impact
We need to embrace the fact, that we are the impact that will create the ultimate ripple effect in those little people that we raise from conception.
Parental responsibility
I take my JOB as a MOM very seriously. Their DAD take his JOB as a father very seriously. We are the first guides our children are ever exposed to in this world. Discussing and debating our evolving knowledge with them is the MOST important thing we can do as their parents so they can grow into introspective thinkers. NOT restricted and overpowered members of "the herd".
Raising Health Advocates
Our kids’ health is in a rapid decline. As I have mentioned before, we now live in an era in which our kids have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. What can we do to reverse it?
Let Them Talk
It’s okay to disagree with (most) of what your kids are trying to tell you. And sometimes tune it out. But, if we don’t give them space to be who they are, they will never discover who they are meant to be.
The Full Recipe
One can never be successful in making a solid loaf of bread by only using one ingredient and skipping steps along the way. The full recipe needs to be incorporated in order for a flavorful and textured loaf to be accomplished. Much like a family…
Health In The Family
Picture your health as a rock stack. Now, picture your entire families health in a group of rock stacks. Would you want the stacks to be standing tall, or would you want them to be toppling over and really short. Well, that is what our lives are: A Stack Of Rocks. Without one rock, the stack can grow shorter, or topple over quite quickly. If we don’t create the proper balance in our stack we will collapse, impacting our family along the way down.
Our Kind Of Crazy
Many look at my household, and wonder how we stay such a close knit family with such an intense and demanding schedule. There is no magic. There is no one size fits all. We MAKE THE TIME to be together, make memories, and support one another in our goals. Going against “the norm”, and embracing your kind of crazy, will build such an amazing stable home for everyone!
The Silent Society
A “silent” society is a massive danger that may possibly lie ahead. It can crumble anything, and everything that we, as humans, absolutely need to survive. Empathy. Understanding. Compassion. Motivation. Love. These are just a few of the strong hold emotions that individuals need to hear, see, and feel. They cannot be provided by a piece of technology.
REAL Parents
How can we expect our kids to understand emotions, communication, and love if we, as their parents, have difficulty setting the best example at home? It is time to set aside some time for some REAL parenting!
Career SAHP: Stay At Home Parent
They wake up before most. They go to bed after all. They are a nurse, a coach, a chauffeur, a chef, an accountant, a manager, an event planner, a therapist, an engineer, a mechanic, a volunteer…to name a few. You guessed it: Stay at home parents. It’s not just Mom’s anymore, Dad’s are rocking the SAHP hats too.